Can You Hear Me? Part 2

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Can You Sign Slower?
The first part of this story is not in this account and I will not be rewriting it.
Recap~ Annabeth (an accident caused her to become deaf) is at a new school new friends. She might like a certain boy. She's at home lying on the kitchen floor (she wants to feel like a crumb, okay?) when suddenly she feels a painful stab in her head. She touches her ear and her hands are stained with red. She's in the hospital, and she's aware of everything and everyone. Even that one boy who's by her side everyday.

He says "I need to hear your voice."


His head was resting on one palm, as the other strolled my fingers. My thin, nimble fingers that were the favorite part of my body because I liked how they looked. I was odd like that, I liked thin and chubby fingers. I had no idea why, but I hated normal fingers.

It seemed like he was troubled, but really who isn't? His eyes held a sea that pushed its way here and there and everywhere, never remaining calm.

It felt odd to have my hands touched. The sense of a small warmth (different from that old warmth) spreading through my cold, lifeless fingers.

No, I'm not dead.

I just have lifeless fingers.

He woke and rubbed his eyes with one hand, the other holding tight to me. I was still asleep and I didn't know if I wanted to wake up.

This was a nice slumber, something I need. If I woke, it would all go away and I'd be living my life, as useless as the one binder everyone has that won't stay together. But yes, I could wake up if I wanted to, but it was nice here in the Beyond, where you didn't have to worry about that one shirt that makes you look fat (even though it really doesn't), or that girl who won't stop screaming about her makeup being ruined (when she looks better without a cake in her face) or that one boy you've been pinning after - who yes, has noticed you - but you can't seem to see him even though all he sees is you. Or that one pesky pimple that made you feel like you have Mount Everest attached to your face (even though no one sees it, but your insecure self).

So yeah, why would you leave the place where you have everything you could ever need (which is really nothing), but you have everything you would want on the other side.

I see him and he's everything I want. He's the smile and the laugh and the "kiss me at three in the morning and tell me you love me."

But is he really worth it?

You question your happiness all the time because after all the shit you've been through, why is the world suddenly saying "Hey, Annabeth! Have this and take care!"

You don't trust it.

But that boy, oh gods, that boy. He's everything and you're nothing. He's the deciding factor in your little game.

So what do you choose?
I guess I've always been a pessimist. When I was younger, I would always think of ways I would die if something, a small thing, would happen. Like if my mom closed her eyes for a second at the wheel and we started to veer. Our car hit the others and we would die.

My neck would snap, instantly putting me into unconsciousness and slowly I would die. My mother, would live. Because I don't want her to die.

As much as I wanted to die, I didn't want my family to die.

The doctor comes rushing in and asked a few questions. All routine, and I feel hands. Not Percy's, an intern's hands. They are there to cut, like bloodthirsty monsters. And I'm the tiny prey they can't wait to swallow up.

I'm suddenly moving and being pushed into a room. Someone is screaming behind me a painful scream that hurts me.

But I can't stop it.

And so I lie there, unmoving and await the final blow.

I hate the hospital. I guess it's because of all the times I've watched Grey's Anatomy. All the bloody things that happened and all the deaths and pain, suffering. I hate it here.

But she was here. And she needed someone. She was on the brink of death, somewhere where she could decide if she wanted to live.

Or if she wanted to die.

Her fingers were cold. Her fingers were thin and pretty. I remember thinking about those fingers and how she would come with the most intricate braids that I knew those fingers wove.

Her doctors came and went. They all said the same thing.

She won't wake up.

But I didn't believe them. This was Annabeth, and Annabeth didn't give up without a fight.

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