Fall Again

457 25 3

Weak ~ AJR
Before TLO

Maybe it was the curls of her princess-like hair.

Maybe it was her stunning grey eyes that reflected every emotion she had.

Maybe it was her laugh, that sounded like the most heavenly thing on earth.

Whichever one it was, it was one more reason why he'd fallen deeply in love with the daughter of Athena. The way she carried herself was mesmerizing, and he let his eyes follow her every time she walked past him.

She smiled kindly at him, before running to the arena to join the rest of her siblings. He smiled in return, absolutely sure of the dazed expression on his face.

"You know, I've never seen anyone more whipped then you are."

Percy's head snapped up to glare at his best friend. Grover sat down across from the demigod and gave his best smile. "What, it's true!"

Percy looked down at his feet, as the red blush spread across his cheeks. "Well, you don't have to announce it!"

From above him, Grover chuckled, staring at his friend sadly. "Dude, if you like her so much, why not just tell her? What could go wrong?"

Percy looked up at his friend, as if he were a madman. "Are you trying to get me killed?! And here I thought you cared about me!"

Grover rolled his eyes at his friend's dramatics. "Dude, worst thing that could happen is that she rejected you, and then you'd have to live with the pain, and that the Stoll brothers will never let you forget it."

Percy groaned, letting his head fall into his hands. "What am I gonna do? If I say a thing, Athena will smite me down from Olympus. If I don't say anything, I'll die with the pain of never knowing if she feels the same!"

"Holy Zeus, you poor child. If only there were a simplistic way of figuring this out!" Grover said sarcastically.

Percy glared at his friend through his fingers. "What do you suppose I do, huh? Flip a coin and let fate decide?"

Grover quirked his eyebrow. "That doesn't sound like such a bad idea. If you flip correct, you tell her. If not, then you have nothing to worry about."

Percy considered it. "I guess. Do you have a coin?"

Grover reached into his shirt pocket. "It just so happens, I do! Ah, what a stroke of luck!"

"Just get on with it," Percy grumbled.

"Ok, ok, hold your pegasi," Grover said, raising his hands in a surrender way. "Now, heads, you tell her. Tails, you don't. Simple."

"Simple," Percy repeated.

"3...2...1!" He flipped the coin, catching it and flipping it onto his forearm.

Percy had his fingers crossed.

"And you got....Heads!" Grover shouted.

Oh Hades no.

"Good luck. 'Cause here she comes," Grover said, pointing behind him. Percy turned to see Annabeth coming towards them.

"No! I change my- Holy Hera, he is fast!" Percy swore, upon turning back around, his best friend was gone.

"Hey Percy," Annabeth said, standing in front of him.

He blushed, and tried to meet her eyes. "Hey Annabeth!"

They both stood there, letting the silence fill the space between them. Annabeth coughed awkwardly, and brushed hair behind her ear.

"So...how ya been?" She asked.

"Good!" Percy squeaked. "And you?"

"Good, actually. I've been spending more time with my father and his family, and we're getting somewhere," Annabeth said. Percy felt relieved. This was easy ground, something he could build upon.

"That's great! I hope your step-mom is doing better?" He responded, though sounded more like a question than statement.

"Yeah. I mean, she's still a little iffy about the whole half-god thing, but she's trying. I can tell my dad had to talk to her though. As much as I appreciate the effort, I wish she'd stop looking at me as if I'll explode at any moment," Annabeth chuckled.

"Haha, yeah that would suck if you exploded. I'd miss you a lot," Percy blurted.

Annabeth raised her eyebrow. "Really?"

Percy nodded sheepishly, trying to hide behind his bangs. Annabeth smiled, and grabbed his hand.

"I'd miss you too. That is if you -uh- exploded. Which you won't! But still -I would miss you," Annabeth stammered, her own blush gracing her features.

Percy chuckled. "I appreciate the sentiment."

Annabeth laughed nervously, and wiped her palms onto her shorts. "Well would you look at the time! I gotta get going. Ancient Greek isn't going to teach itself! See ya!"

"Yeah, yeah, bye!"

And then she was walking away. She made it halfway down the hill when Percy slapped himself in the face. "Oh gods, I forgot to tell her."

But then she disappeared into the Athena cabin, and with her, his chance.

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