Yellow Is The Darkest Color

495 20 11

Soulmate AU
Mortal AU

She woke up with a burning sensation deep in her stomach. Blindly, she stumbled to her bathroom, pulling herself to the toilet.

Her throat burned as she coughed. The pain was everywhere and it was terrible.

Annabeth opened her eyes.


They said it was rare.

Annabeth leaned back, and rocked herself slowly, tears streaming down her face. Her heart weighed down heavily, and she struggled for an even breath.

Pale yellow petals littered her bathroom.

It's going to be okay.

Annabeth pushed her books into her bag, and let her hair fall across her back and shoulders. She shouldered the bag, and left her house.

She coughed into her hand and pulled it away to see the collections of petals in her palm. They seemed darker in the early sunlight, but Annabeth knew what they meant.

He doesn't love her.

Annabeth felt the tears prick at her eyes like tiny needles, and furiously blinked them away. She would not let this bring her down.

The girl took a deep breath and continued her way to school.

"Annabeth, I'm so sorry," Thalia said, wrapping her arms around the short teen.

"I'll be fine," Annabeth replied, letting Thalia caress her hair.

"What are you going to do?" Piper asked.

"I really don't know." Annabeth sighed, and turned to her friends. "It doesn't matter now. My soulmate doesn't love me, and he never will."

Hazel frowned. "This isn't fair! You are the best person I know, and Percy should be praising the gods that you are his soulmate!"

Annabeth smiled sadly. "It just wasn't meant to be, Hazel. I gotta go to class guys."

Annabeth turned and walked away from her friends, and made a beeline to class, trying to wipe the impending tears.


She was laughing, and titled her head back, clutching her stomach. She continued down the road, skidding to a stop on her roller skates.

Unfortunately, Annabeth wasn't able to stop herself from crashing into the tall guy in front of her. They both fell to the ground, his books spilling about her, paper flittering across the pavement, a pen even hitting her straight in the forehead.


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Annabeth over at the guy and gasped.

His eyes were a brilliant shade of blue. It seemed like the ocean reflected in his eyes.

Oh my god.

"You have really nice hair," he blurted.

Annabeth blushed, and let a smile cross her features. "Thanks."

"I'm Percy."

"I'm Annabeth."


Annabeth pulled herself out of the past, and focused on the lesson her teacher was trying to get them to understand. She suddenly felt a tickle in her throats and ran from the class, to the bathroom. She coughed and coughed, watching as the yellow petals built up in the sink.

Annabeth cried, letting it all out.

She looked at herself in the mirror and watched as a small pale yellow petal fell from her mouth and onto the bathroom floor.

She reached down and grabbed it. She didn't know much about flowers and their meanings, so she decided to search them later.

Until then, she had to suck it up, and keep the pale flower inside her.

Types of yellow flowers

She searched through the pictures and stopped on a pink flower.


She searched through the different colors and stopped at one that caught her interest.

She had found her flowers

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She had found her flowers.

Yellow carnation- pale or bold, a yellow carnation means disdain, disappointment, and rejection.

Later he said to her, "These bright curls remind me of a bold sunrise."

Edit: for anyone who doesn't understand, this chapter is a Soulmate AU. Percy and Annabeth are soulmates (duh).

Basically before you meet your soulmate, everything is in black and white. When you meet them, you instantly see color.

But sometimes, and this is rarely, your soulmate does not love you. And when that happens you get what we like to call, Hanahaki Disease. This causes the person to cough up flower petals, as their love is one-sided. If your soulmate NEVER loves you back, it can lead to death. When a person has Hanahaki Disease, they do not feel any happiness/love.

I hope that clears everything up, and if anyone has any more questions please ask, and I will do my best to answer them!

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