Best. Date. Ever.

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"Okay, Emmy, you next."

I thought about what story I would give. "I don't really know. My parents were your basic parents. Fell in love, got hitched, and bada-bing-bada-boom I arrived."

"Really?" Danny asked. "I would have thought your parents had some crazy story."

I shrugged. "Hey-wait! I actually know one story."

My friends leaned closer, out of interest. "So back in college, my dad had this friend. I think he name was Perry, or Percy! It was Percy!"

Amanda rolled her eyes. "What about Percy?"

"I'm getting to that," I said. "Apparently there was this really pretty girl in his Biology class. Percy really liked her and would talk about her nonstop. The teacher made them work together on a project, and she paired Percy and the girl-"

"What's her name?" Jake asked.

"I think it was Annabeth. Anyway, they ended up really liking each other and became really good friends. Now, fast forward a year and there is such heavy sexual tension between these two. One day, Percy snaps and says to Annabeth, 'I'm going to take you on a date, like you've never been before!'" I giggled, remembering how funny it was the first time Dad told me the story.

Anna's eyes lit up. "What did he do?! Did he take her to Paris? In a beautiful garden, filled with every flower you could think of, with a banner declaring his love for her?"

I rolled my eyes, grinning anyway. "No, actually. He took her to the supermarket and they watched the lobsters in the lobster tank fight each other."
Age 19

"Are you excited?" Thalia asked. I looked at myself in the mirror and blushed.

"Maybe. I'm glad Percy finally got the hint."

Piper chuckled. "About time! I swear it was torture watching him skirt around you."

I nodded in agreement. I flattened down my dress and fidgeted with the laces of my shoes. "I wonder where we're going. He said it was gonna be a date like I'd never been to before."

Thalia shrugged. "Beats me. He wouldn't even tell his favorite cousin!"

Piper jumped up. "He's here!"

Not even a second before a knock came from the door. I ran to open it, taking a deep breath.

"Hey," Percy grinned sheepishly down at me.

"Hi," I responded.

"We want her home by ten!" Piper screamed.

"And with her virginity intact!"

I flushed a deep red and so did Percy. "Thalia!" I squeaked.

"Let's just go, huh?" Percy suggest, leading me out the door.

We hopped into his car and he pulled away from the curb.

"Where we going?" I questioned.

"Somewhere." He replied.

I sighed and stared out the window. The shapes blurred together and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Percy was shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and let the light hit me. It stung my eyes, but slowly I adjusted.

"We're here," he whispered. I got up with his help, and he lead me to our date.

"Uh, Percy?"


"Why are we at the supermarket?"

"Well, I did say I was going to take you on a date like you've never had. Just trust me," Percy said, after I flashed him a look of worry.

He pulled me inside, and to the back of the store. It was the seafood section.

We stopped right in front of the lobster tank, where Percy sat down, crisscross applesauce on the ground. He payed the floor next to him and I followed suit.

"Percy, what's are we-"

"Shhh! Just watch."

I looked at the lobster tank, and watched and two of the only lobster, started to...oh my gods...

They started to fight.

They swung their claws around each other, and climbed on top of each other. I started to laugh and Percy join in. We were laughing hysterically, and I was brushing tears of mirth from my eyes.

"This is a date I've never been on before. Thanks."

I kissed his cheek and he blushed.

"My pleasure, m'lady."

"Well?" They asked.

"I'm pretty sure Percy and Annabeth are married now."

Jake nodded approvingly. "Wow. Dude's got mad skill."

We all nodded in agreement.

Answer to last chapter "Lit"
You guys were really close to me age, but didn't get it exactly. Sorry guys. Hope you enjoyed!

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