Mortals Meet Percabeth

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Let me just say that Percy Jackson is one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. I should know. I've had a major crush on him since last fall, when he came back from the summer camp he goes to. Anyway, he's my best friend.

Now, I know what you might think. Wow she's so cliché! Yeah, no. I'm convinced that Percy feels the same way. I mean, why wouldn't he? I've known him since freshman orientation.

I closed my locker and walked over to his. "Hey, Percy!"

He turned to me. "Hey Halie."

He kept looking around the crowd of high schoolers, searching for someone.

"Whatcha looking for?" I asked.

He grinned. "My girlfriend, Annabeth. She said that she transferred to Goode."

"Haha, very funny Percy. We all know she isn't real," Riley said.

"Oh, let him have his fun. With all the girls throwing themselves at him, I think he would like to have people think he's taken," Hanna said, slapping her boyfriend's head.

"Ow," he winced.

"Guys, I'm telling you, she's real! I even have a picture of her," Percy pulled out his phone, and showed us a picture of a blonde girl with grey eyes. She was very petite and had a curvy body. She was really pretty. Percy was obviously lying about her.

"This is so photoshop! No one is this hot!" Riley said.

Percy groaned. "I'm telling you she's real! Just watch, she's in our first period."
We walked into English and sat down in our usual seats. I saw Percy look to the door constantly, his face dropping when no one important walked in. Finally the bell rang, and Mr. Blofis started class.

Halfway through the lesson, the door opened and a girl from Percy's photo walked in.

"Sorry I'm late," she spoke, her voice very gentle, but strong too.

"Miss Chase, I would think on your first day, you'd arrive early?" Mr. Blofis said in a joking manner.

She laughed, mumbling out sorry. She handed him a late pass and sat down next to Percy.


Percy just nodded hello.
At the end of the period, I walked out and looked around for Percy. He wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Where's Percy?" I asked.

"He's still in class," Hanna said.

"Oh," I said. "I'm gonna go get him."

Riley looked at my sympathetically. "I wouldn't."

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the class. "Whatever," I called.

My heart shattered. Sitting in one chair was Percy with the blonde. They were making out.

"Uh, Percy?" I whispered. He pulled away from the blonde.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Who's that?" I asked, pointing at her trying not to act heartbroken.

"Annabeth, Halie. Halie, Annabeth," Percy introduced us.

Annabeth smiled at me. "Hey, nice to meet you."

"No! This isn't how this is supposed to work out! Percy was supposed to end up with me and not some blonde bimbo!" I whined.

Percy stared at me in shock. "Out of all my friends, I thought you'd be happy for me! Annabeth is the most intelligent person I know. Do not call her a blonde bimbo! And we aren't supposed to end up together, because I love Annabeth!"

"Percy, its fine, calm-"

"No, it's not fine! She called you a blonde bimbo and you are so much more then that," he said turning towards her. She cupped his face in her hands and spoke.

"It's fine. She's obviously the idiotic one if she thinks she can get you away from me." Then she kissed him.

My heart sank and I left the room, running past Mr. Blofis.

I won't be dating Percy anytime soon.

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