I'm Insecure Fighting For Us

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Because my heart can't take it
I'm insecure baby, I'm insecure fighting for love
~ Shane 'Insecure'
Age 15
After BOTL

He hated how he stared at her.

Hated it.

She laughed with him, smiled with him and even giggled.

Ananbeth Chase doesn't giggle.

Percy watched from the arena, as Annabeth was talking to the new camper, James. He was unclaimed, and Annabeth had volunteered to show him around camp. They had wandered into the arena, where Percy was showing some of their youngest heroes how to use weapons.

"Percy?" One of them asked. He turned his head towards them.

"Uh, are you okay? You're looking at James like you're going to kill him," the little girl said. Percy blushed, and looked away from her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Clarisa. Just get back to work, okay?"

As soon as she left, Percy sat on the ground and picked at his sneakers. He looked up and saw Annabeth had her hand on James's shoulder, which made his blood boil.

He groaned loudly, causing them to look his way. Annabeth raised an eyebrow at him and he blushed even more. James just had a confused look on his face.

A horn blew in the distance, signaling the end of training session and to move on to the next activity. Percy lifted himself up, and left the arena, walking to his cabin. He had a free hour and was hoping he could mope without interruption.

He threw himself onto the twin bed and screamed into his pillow. Why was he feeling this way? He's never felt like this before.

Sure, he thought Annabeth was cute. And maybe he got a bit annoyed when she talked about Luke.

But he never-

"What's wrong with you?"

He looked up to see the very source of his distress, standing in his doorway, hand on her hip, head tilted at an angle.

"Nothing," he said gruffly. She walked inside and sat beside him.

"Really? Cause you were practically growling at James. Anything you need to say?"

Percy blew air out of his mouth. "No."

Annabeth sighed. She let her hand fall onto his thigh. "Really?"

She looked at him with her eyes and he just crumpled, like putty.

"He's not that funny, you know.," he blurted. Annabeth chuckled and squeezed his thigh.

"And, he's not even that good at fighting. I've seen, he gets taken down in two seconds!"

"Not to mention his accent? What the heck is that all about?"


"Percy!" Annabeth slapped her hand over his mouth. "He makes horrible jokes, and yes, I know he's bad at fighting. I have no idea where he's from, maybe some where in Europe?"

"Then whf fo you lije him?" Percy asked through her hand.

She laughed and leaned closer to his ear. "He's not the one I like."

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