Chapter 7

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August 13, 2019
Dubuque, Iowa
10 Months and 26 Days Left

Since that night I have moved back into my old house. As I was driving back, I thought about what things must be like in other parts of the world. After awhile I started to consider finding that out for myself. I'm obviously not going out of the country though. If I could I would but just recently the government announced that it is shutting down its airports. They mentioned something about it being a luxury that is unsustainable. I need to get out of the state, I need to forget. I need to forget all of it.

Maybe I'll go to Florida, it's a place that's nice and not too cold during winter. I've always wanted to go to Florida, Alright I'm going to Florida.

As I am packing up my things I come across an old photo. It's a photo of me and my parents, I'm only about ten or twelve in the picture and my parents are in their early to late forties. The photo triggers the memory of that night when I wasn't fast enough. When I wasn't fast enough to save them. I wish if I had only been able to stop him in his tracks.

As I load the last of my belongings into the trunk of my car. I remind myself of my new goal. I am going to go to Florida and enjoy life for a little bit but once I come back I will find whoever killed my parents and make them pay. That is my plan for my last few months on this planet. A smile finds its way onto my face as I enter my car and leave for sweet sunny Florida.

* * *

5:23 AM
August 14, 2019
Atlanta, Georgia
10 Months and 25 Days Left

I feel like I've been driving FOREVER!! I struggle to keep my eyes open as I drive along the empty highway. The road seems to be an endless series of black asphalt. I almost squint as I notice the sun starting to peak over the horizon. I'm still not used to it rising this early, you'd think that after almost a month I would be but, I'm not.

As I start on an upcoming turn I see a pair of headlights in the lane next to me. I am driving normally untill I see the car swerve into my lane! I turn the wheel as hard as I can to try and avoid him. I drift into the woods next to the road, I go to turn back onto the road but it's too late. What I don't notice is a fallen tree laying on the ground infront of me. This time I'm not fast enough, my car slams into the fallen tree sending it flipping into the air. What happens next seems to move in slow motion, I brace myself against the roof of my car and duck my head. For a moment I am completely airborne, then I got the ground again. My car completes several roles before finally settling down, but by then I am starting to go unconscious. The last thing my mind is able to register is seeing the flames of the wreckage or my own car.

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