Chapter 10

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12:04 PM
August 15, 2019
Atlanta, Georgia
10 Months and 25 Days Left

It's only been a few weeks
since Anna moved in, but she has already made herself comfortable. Anna has spent most of her time catching up with Hunter. He said that since the initial broadcast crime has gone up, which she expected, but also that the population is starting to decrease. This news shocked her, she didn't think that that kind of decrease would happen so soon.

Anna made Hunter agree that they can't trust anyone. Although he didn't seem entirely committed to that idea. They were sitting at the kitchen table when Hunter spoke up.

"Do you think anyone will see it?"

"See what?"

"The End."

"I'm not sure what you mean?"

"I mean do you think anyone will live to see the Sun destroy Earth?" Hunter explained.

"Well I suppose so, but what would be the point?" Anna had an idea. "Hunter what if someone survived?" She said smiling.

"I thought you said that was impossible?"

"Yeah, but suppose someone could figure out a way to survive?"

"If someone figures that out I want to be there when they do." As Hunter finishes his sentence, he notices someone through the window entering the city. He is a man of around about 28 with thick, dark brown hair. He is wearing a white shirt and tattered jeans, there is a large bloodstain covering his right side.

"Anna I gotta go, I'll be right back."  He gets up from the table quickly grabbing his things.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"To make a new friend." He smiles as he exits through the front door.

* * *

Roughly an hour later, Hunter returns with the same man he saw out the window. When Anna sees him she turns to Hunter.

"Hunter, who is this." She says nodding her head in the man's direction

"Anna, I can explain"

"Yeah, how"

"Well..." He tries to think of a legitimate explanation. "Well, Jack here looked like he was in dire need of some help, so I took him to the pharmacy. Then I asked him where he lived and he said..." He points to who Anna can only assume to be Jack.

"I asked for a place to stay untill I could get back on my feet. And to be completely honest I didn't think he would say yes but he did and now here we are..." His voice trails off as he finishes explaining the situation.

"Plus I figured he might be able to help us out while he is here." Hunter winks at Anna. Now she understood why Hunter had brought him here.

"Well, as long as he doesn't kill us in our sleep I'm sure we'll be fine." Anna exclaimed with a hint of sarcasm.

"So..." Hunter looked at Anna giving her the same pleading look she had given him only a few weeks prior.

"I don't care, it's your house not mine." Anna said turning to walk back upstairs. Hunter and Jack followed her inside.

"Yeah, but I wanted your input before I actually let him in." Anna turned to face them.

"And that was my way of saying that I'm fine with him staying here untill he is able to leave." Jack almost felt offended that they were talking about him as if he wasn't there, it was a weird feeling to say the least. Almost as if she had read his mind Anna turned to face Jack.

"So, Jack what brings you to Atlanta?

"Well my car crashed just outside the city while I was on my way to Florida."

"Why were you going to Florida?"

"I needed to leave some things behind."

"What kinds of things?" Anna persisted.

"I'd rather not talk about it."

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