Chapter three

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"Oh she wants to embarrass people, we'll see who gets messed up at the en"Sarah snorted as she fixed her lipstick. Piper had recently poured a jug of water ontop of her.

"That's not necessary, you messed with her first"Payton responded. Sarah shrugged.

"Let the games began"

Piper Davis

"There he go!"I exclaimed as Ryder walked down the hallway. I smiled about to walk up to him. I turned back around in panic.

"I can't do this"I responded. She sighed.

"Come on Piper"Candace sighed while dragging me down the hall.

Ryder was cute, but something told me deep inside that he wasn't the one. I nodded and we continued walking. Josh came up to us smiling.

"Hey Candace. Hey Piper"He smiled staring at me with his perfect white teeth.

"Hey Josh"I responded.

"So Piper, you heard of that new sushi place?"He asked. I shrugged my shoulders."why are you wearing make up?"He asked.

"1, I hate sushi and 2 because I can"I responded.

"Well you look beautiful either ways. I'll catch y'all later"Josh smiled and walked away. Candace squealed.

"Piper got a boyfriend!"She cheered.

"Slow your roll. Remember, Ryder is my target remember"

"Yeah I guess"Candace sighed. We walked down the hallway and out the door.

"You coming home with me?"I asked and she nodded. Mom was waiting outside the car while everybody was snapping pictures of her. "Mom"I groaned.

"Sorry sorry. It was hot inside the car"

"Hey momma!"Candace exclaimed giving my mom a hug.

"Hey baby"

"Well can we go home. This reunion is over"I groaned. We got in the car to see Sarah and Payton. I rolled my eyes. Candace slid in first then it was me.

My phone buzzed and I sighed.

Unknown- hey little slut. Miss me? Just to let you know, you'll never get Ryder.

I sighed. I've been receiving these types of texts this whole week. I never found out who it was. We arrived home and I got our.

My phone buzzed continuously.


I shook it off and momma opened the gates. They closed and we pulled up in the driveway. Candace and I went downstairs to my hang out spot. I opened the text and sighed.

Unknown- Reply

Unknown-Imma make your life a living hell

Unknown- Whys whittle Piper not responding

Unknown- hey hoe respond

Unknown- alright, just watch your back tomorrow. Ugly bitch.

Unknown- oh and try not to wear anything fancy.

"What should we do?"Candace asked snapping me out of my trance. I shrugged frustrated.

This unknown person was on my mind. Who was this person? How did they get my number. I ran my hands through my hair. "Give me a minute"I replied standing up walking to the bathroom.

I locked the door and splashed my face with water. My mascara was running down my face. I took a wipe and cleaned my face off.

I opened the door and walked back to the room.

"Your okay?"Candace while smiling. I nodded and she frowned."no your not. Come on darling our it out to me"She said while grabbing a pillow and placing it in her lap.

I walked over laying my head on the pillow as my feet stretched out on the couch. "A lot had been on my mind. These people keep sending me these text. I'm just stressed out over me and Payton"I sighed as Candace rubbed her hands through my hair.

"I feel better now that I got this off my shoulders"I smiled and Candace nodded.

Candace and I walked into the lunchroom. I was nervous as hell, I never told Candace the elaborate plan this unknown number was plotting against me. I hurried and grabbed my food sitting down. I placed my Pittsburgh cap on.

"AH shit! I have lunch detention"Candace groaned. I nodded. I was soon sitting at the round table by myself. Josh sat by me with me.

"Hey"Josh said.

"Hey Josh"I replied. I soon felt my cap rip off and a cold wet substance on top of my head. I squealed and noodles fell to the side of my face.

Everybody started laughing, except Josh. I looked up seeing Sarah with a mean smile. I looked over to Payton as she looked down awkwardly. I soon sent one punch to Sarah's face and she screamed.

"Don't touch her!"Payton yelled at me. I grabbed my stuff exiting the lunch room. I hurried to the bathroom. My hair was a mess. I locked myself in the bathroom stall. I let my tears pour down my face.

"Piper!"Candace yelled. I wiped my tears and huffed. "Piper!"

I unlocked the stall and stepped out. "Right here"I cried. She pulled me in letting the spaghetti sauce and milk all on her.

"I heard you punched her"She questioned while we released. I nodded as i began to pick the spaghetti noodles from my hair.

Soon my hair was left with a saucy mess. "Wanna leave?"Candace asked. I nodded and she handed my cap. We walked out the bathroom and out the school doors. We began our journey to my house.

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