Chapter four

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It was a weekend. Piper stayed in her room crying her eyes out. Payton constantly stood outside her door just to check up on her.

Piper Davis

"Candace is here!"August yelled. My door opened and Candace walked in with a bag.

"Piperrr"She asked. I sighed while sitting up in my bed. I'm pretty sure my eyes were red. She sat next to me pulling me in a hug. "Are you okay?"

I pointed to my phone as it sat peacefully buzzing on my marble nightstand. She picked it up and unlocks my phone.

"Who are these people spamming you like this?"She asked with a angry expression.

"I don't know"I sniffed. I ran my hand as through my blow dried hair. "They've been telling me all horrible things"

She pulled me in rubbing my shoulder."I gotcha boo". I sighed and pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

A knock came upon my door and Candace opened it. Payton appeared with a smile.

"Can I talk to Piper for a bit?" She asked. Candace shrugged and nodded while going to Sidney's room.

Payton closed the door and sat on my bed. "What's wrong?"She asked.

"You know what's wrong Payton"I sniffed as my phone constantly buzzed. I turned towards her and she sighed.

"I'm sorry"

"I don't care about your sorry"I replied. I turned away and turned off my phone. "Payton your suppose to be my sister, not that bitch's"

"Please don't call her out her name"

"Get out of my room"I demanded. She stood up and sighed. "Why would you do this to me?"I asked while looking down. She walked out.

Candace came back in and I walked into my bathroom slamming the door. Fuck everybody.

"Get up!"Mom yelled. Today was our mommy and daughters bonding day. I wish I could be away from the girl.

I got up and momma smiled. "She's alive"

"Yeah whatever"My voice croaked. She laughed and walked out. I stood up and went to my closet picking out my outfit.

I settled on my paint splatter overalls and white long sleeve shirt. It was filled with snow outside, I wasn't trying to be cold. For my shoes I went with my high top timbs

I laid my clothes out on my bed and went to my bathroom. I ran my bath and connected my phone to the speaker in my bathroom ceiling. Soon my playlist started and I began to sing along.

I went to my bathroom closet and grabbed a face cloth and towel. I then put my bubble bath soap in my bath.

I stepped out the tub and slipped on my robe with my towel hanging from my arm. I closed my door to my room and locked it. I dried myself off and slipped on my under wear and bra.

I lotioned my body and put on deodorant. I slipped on my outfit then grabbed a pair of socks. I put them on along with my boots.

I went back to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I finished, I flossed and rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash and water. I grabbed my hair products form under the sink and split my hair in half.

I did two French braids and put away my stuff. I was finally finished and applied my winged eyeliner. I applied my clear gloss and put it in my pocket.

I grabbed my phone and jacket. I put a piece of gum in my mouth and began to walk downstairs.

"I'm ready"I smiled. Momma and the girl stood up and we walked outside to her car.

I sat in the back and also Payton. It was hella awkward. I turned on my phone and went on Instagram scrolling through my feed.

"Hm. Why are y'all so quiet?"Mom asked. Nobody responded and then she gasped. "Ava!"

She turned off the car and ran inside. It was quiet. All you could hear was my chewing and her breathing.

"Sooo"Payton started. I ignored her whole presence and continued on my phone. "Are we seriously doing this? Cmon Piper we are sisters"

"Yes we are doing this. Your letting these people terrorize me, and you and Sarah started it"I exclaimed.

"I was mad at the moment"

"Doesn't mean anything. Payton you know everything you been through. I thought I could have had at least one person I can relate to and understand."

"I was mad at the moment!"She exclaimed.

"So! Payton, your not understanding where I'm coming from! Your suppose to be my sister not an enemy."

Mom came back with Ava and I shifted towards the window. I got out the car and went to the front. Mom placed Ava car seat in my old spot and strapped her up.

Girls bonding day. (Sighs)

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