Chapter nine

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Piper ^^

Making up with Payton was everything to me. Until she went back to talking to Sarah. Once again Candace was at home which left me all by myself.

"Hey Pip"Josh smiled while sitting next to me.

I smiled while looking up. "Hey josh"I replied. We began to talk about our likes and dislikes.

He was a pretty cool and can I mention cute guy. Snap out of it Piper! I soon felt a tug at my hair pulling me backwards. "It's not fake guys!"Sarah yelled.

The whole lunch room erupted with laughs. Josh sat there eyeing Sarah down.

"What your doing is not funny"He replied. I looked a Payton as her head was down. She couldn't even look at me in my eye.

I groaned while storming out of lunch. I grabbed my phone and stormed out of the school past security. I went to one of my favorite places. It was a nice mountain which gave a pretty view over the whole city.

I stared at it a while and thought to myself. I rubbed around the bench and found a carving.


I smiled and laughed. Soon I heard my name being called and I turned around. "Josh?"

"It's one of my favorites too. Or I kinda followed you"He smiled. He walked by me seating next to me. "So what's up with her?"

"Idk. But I'm sick of it"I sighed.

"You know you gotta do something right. Look you can't depend on people to stick up for you. Have a voice"

I nodded. It started to drizzle and he quickly slipped his jacket off and held it above us. "Thanks"I smiled.

"Tell me about yourself. Beside the famous parents and everything"

I smiled. Knowing that he wants to hang with me for me. "Well it started off when I was born. My mom was only 15 when she got pregnant with me and my sister. So we got put up for adoption. They adopted me when I was two, but only me not Payton. So it had been hard for me. My mom didn't even know there was another one of me"

I took a pause and continued. "At that time it was hard for my mom. She had been struggling with you know her self esteem. Anyways. My mom reconnected with my dad, my mom was pregnant at the time which angered him. Causing him to almost choke her to death. I finally got reunited with my sister and everything was peaches and creams I guess"

The drizzle stopped and he removed the jacket. "So my father had apparently turned out dead. And at that time my mom was getting married to August. Well August turned out cheating and they got a divorce. I actually called that man my dad. As much as I love him, I can't trust him. He didn't want nothing to do with me or Piper. It was hard knowing that you had no manly figure in your life. Skipping on. I had passed out. I was in a comma I think, I don't remember much. I lost my memory afterwards. It took me a while to get it back. Then there was Trey songs. Who made my mom happy which made me happy."

I took a deep breath. "He was a good guy you know. But for some reason my mom couldn't leave August. Trey was actually like a dad to me and also Chris. Later on, turns out my dad didn't even die. And I don't want nothing to with him. "

It was silent and I sighed. "It felt good to talk with someone about that. Tell me about yourself"

"My name is josh. I like the color blue and I have a frog"

"Come on now"I giggled. "Be for real"

"Well I was born to a crack addict. My dad was non existent. It was hard being raised by a mother who spends all of her money on drugs instead of me. It was me and her. No cousins, brother, or nothing. When she died. I was taken by the services. Put into a program for months because since my mom was crack head. They thought I have something in me to. I'm sorry I can't continue"He said while look away.

I brought his face towards mine and smiled. "It's okay to cry"

"When I was in there. I was constantly touched by gay men. Who would think it is cool to touch a little boy who thought it was okay."Josh cried. My heart dropped. As my tears formed.

"I used to get beat up. Molested, starve, and it was crazy. That's when they finally put me in a adoption center. But I was adopted by a wonderful couple."

He stopped and I hugged him tight. Josh was a nice guy and didn't deserve all of this. I rubbed his back as I felt my shirt get wet. We released.

"I'm sorry"He apologized.

"Don't apologize. You can't hold it in forever"I smiled as we stared in each other's eyes. We leaned in and our lips met.

We pulled away and I smiled. "Josh, can I just say something?"I asked and he nodded. "I hope I don't come off crazy, but when I'm around you, it feels like home."


Soon the sun started going down and me and Josh cracked jokes. "Do her impression one more time"I smiled.

"Norbit!"He said and I busted out laughing.

"Im. Gonna. Die"I exclaimed. I stop laughing and began to catch my breath.

"So since there is no school tomorrow. You wanna maybe hang out?"He asked. I nodded.

"Of course. Just text me the details. "I smiled. "It's getting late"

"Can I walk you home?"

I nodded. We walked down the trail and into my block. The crickets were heard. Josh was a good person to talk to. His voice was so calm and smooth. Like a country accent. His eyes, his hazel eyes that I can stare into all day. Josh was perfection.

"Well here's my house"I smiled. "Thanks for walking me"

"No problem"He replied. I gave him one last kiss on the check and I heard shuffling coming from the house.

"Move Courtney damn!"I heard Aysia say. My checks turned red.

"Uh thanks again josh"I replied while hurrying inside. They all jumped up from the window and onto the couch. "Come on"

"Pipers got a boyfriend!"Sidney teased.

"He's my friend"I laughed while walking to the kitchen grabbing a bag of chips. I started my up to my room.

"Piper"Payton sighed. I ignored her walking to my room and she followed. I plopped on my bed and ate my chips. "Piper!"

"What Payton!"

"I'm sorry okay. I'm scared you know. About my reputation"She slowly said.

"Reputation? Payton do you know that your famous right. We have thousands of fans maybe millions and your worried about school?"

"You have a point there"

"I know. Now scat"

She sighed and walked out. I focused on my chips while reading the ingredients.

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