Chapter five

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Sorry l, I've been out town so I didn't have a chance to update.

"Piper!"August yelled. I stayed hidden under my covers. Soon my door busted open and August came in. "You don't here me calling you?"

I stayed under the cover. He tugged it off of me and I groaned. "What?"

"Don't what me, you've been locked up in your room this whole day"

It was true. It's like I've disconnected from the human world. I felt embarrassed to even show my face around my family. Just when I thought the text would stop, Sarah started a rumor that's did the dirty with some kid named Yeen.

"I don't care"I sniffed.  I sat up from under my cover and he slightly smiled. "Do you think I'm an embarrassment?"

"No why?"He asked. I shrugged.

"I dunno"I replied. He scrunched up his eyebrows and frowned.

"What's going on?"He asked. I shook my head. "There's obliviously something, yo eye red, your voice bout gone. Wassup?"

"Nothing"I sighed. He sighed and stood up.

"This ain't over. I gotta go, but I'll be back"He said and walked out. Of course he didn't close my door. My phone continued buzzing.

Why do these people want to mess with me. It continued and continued. "You poppin!"Courtney chuckled while walking in here.

I shrugged. She headed towards my phone. "Wait!"I exclaimed while grabbing it. I didn't want her to see the messages.

When Courtney gets involved with things, it gets pretty messy. "Why?"She pouted.

"No reason"

"What are you hiding?"She asked while sticking her eyebrow up.

"Nothing Auntie, chill"I groaned while plopping on the bed.

"Mhm"She said while walking out. I placed my phone on the bed and sighed. Courtney hurried in and grabbed my phone.

"Courtney!"I exclaimed. She hurried in my bathroom locking it. Of course she knew my password.

"What the hell!"She exclaimed while coming out. She moved her hair out of her face. "Why aren't you telling anybody?"

I remained silent. I wanted to figure all of this out in my own. "I don't know"

"Piper can you stay after?"Mr. Michael asked. I nodded. The class flooded out and I stayed.

"You need me?"I asked. He nodded while walking towards the door and locked it. I frowned uncomfortable.

"You know your grade in this class is not so good right?"He asked while smiling.

"I'm bringing it up"I replied. He nodded while stepping closer. I took a step back.

"You know you can make it up anytime"

"Ummm"I nervously said. He chuckled while grabbing my hand. I quickly snatched it away.

"Come one Piper"He smiled while grabbing my arm. I pushed away from him.

"Stop!"I exclaimed.

"Sorry did I startle you?"He asked while messing with his belt. I hurried to the door but he stood in front of it. He grabbed my boob and I slapped his hand away.

"Please, you wouldn't loose your job over this?"

He laughed while covering the doors window. He pushed me to the corner and I attempted to push away. He stuck his hands inside my pants and I quickly pushed him off me.

"Don't fight it"

I cried and he began to feel up on me. "Stop you pervert."

His hands made a way towards my pants. I kicked him in his crotch area. He groaned and immediately released. I made a way towards the door, but he caught me. He grabbed me pushing me against the wall getting a kiss out of me. I then spit in his face and he covered his eye. He pent me on the wall holding me still.

I felt my pants rip off and something pushed hard inside me. I screamed as loud as I can but nothing happened. Nobody did anything. He finished and I fell to the ground as he walked to his desk. I hurried and put my clothes back on.

"Leave! And speak of this. I'll make your life a living hell."He spat while pushing her out towards the door.

I quickly left and went outside. I spotted Chris car and ran to it.

Chris car waited perfectly outside and I hurried in it. "Woah gal chill"He joked. Payton had cheer practice. Chris pulled off and I laid my head against the window.

We arrived at my house and got out. "What's wrong Peter?"Chris asked. My breath got heavied.

"He touched me "I whispered. It was coming to me.

"Hold the fuck up!"Chris yelled. "Who the hell touched you?"He asked. We walked in the house as he followed me. "Who touched you Piper!"He yelled.

Soon August and Bryson came from downstairs. "What the hell we talking about?"Bryson asked.

"Piper said someone touched her"

"Who?"August asked.

I sat on the couch sighing. "My teacher."

There eyes went buck wide. "What's his name!"Bryson exclaimed.


"I got some for that hoe"August exclaimed as they walked out. I stayed on the couch and sighed.

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