Chapter 16

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We were in the living room playing never have I ever. I pulled out my phone and went live. I propped it up on the coffee table.

"Never have I ever smoked something"Chris smiled and I put a finger down. Everybody turned towards me and I laughed.

"Niece?"Aysia asked. Momma was giving me a death stare and o looked around.

"Jk"I nervously said and put my finger back up. They shook there head and we continued playing.

I stood up grabbing my phone looking at the comments. I typed in the comments and pinned it.

"Well I'm bout to make some food so I'll be right back"I announced and brung my phone to the kitchen. I looked at the comments.

"How old am I? 4"I replied being sarcastic. The comments rolled in with laughing emojis.

I grabbed some uncooked chicken from the fridge and placed it out for it to thaw. "What's my number? I'm not giving my number out sorry"

Alisha came in and looked at me. "I told you to get the chicken out the fridge an hour ago."

I laughed silently and she looked at me. I grabbed my phone and went to peanuts cage and got him out.

"This is peanut guys"I smiled while showing him to the camera. I put him on the leash and walked outside. "Where am I going? To josh house"

I arrived at his house and he opened the door. "Say hey to my live!"I exclaimed and peanut kicked his leg.

"Oh shit! Oops my bad. Hey live"Josh laughed. I looked at the comments and how they 'shipped' us.

"Josh, peanut is humping you"I laughed while showing it to the camera. I pulled peanut back from his leg and picked him up.

"Gay dog"He joked and closed his front door and locked it back. We went back to my house and Candace came out with her hair in a ponytail.

"Sidney!"I yelled and she came outside. I handed he peanut.

"Where y'all going?"She asked.

"To the rink not to far away"I replied and she nodded. We started our walk to California's skates.

We arrived at California skates and I looked at my live. "Y'all if your in Cali, come down to California skates so you can meet me"I smiled.

"mee to!"Candace exclaimed and I mushed her face or the camera.

I ended the live and we got the skates. Candace strapped hers up and went off to some boy. I did not know how to skate at all.

Josh helped me onto the rink and I fell almost busting my ass. Josh busted out laughing and I stuck out my middle finger. He helped me up.

"Come on I got you"He smiled while holding my hand. We skated across the floor and I almost fell but he caught me.

"Thanks"I smiled while staring at him. We all agreed to go to the diner that was across the street. We turned in our skates.

Soon as we walked out flashes were seen everywhere and I sighed. Candace was already across the street.

"Yo! Back the fuck up!"I yelled. They always had a way of getting me heated. Josh pushed us through the crowd and we went to the diner.

"Damn I fucking hate them"I groaned and they crowded us again.

"Josh! How does it feel being a star!"

"Candace! Over here."

"Piper! Piper! Give us your thoughts on Cameron, Trey songs younger sister, shading you"

"Hoe she's like an aunt to me. Lmao get on with that drama"I replied as we walked down the street trying to find another room place.

"Candace! look at the camera!"

Candace sighed as they constantly shouted at us and Josh pushed us through them.

"Piper! Piper look at the camera"

"I swear to God yo. I will punch every single one of y'all do you keep yelling at me. Back the fuck up damn!"I yelled and Josh,Candace and I walked into the arcade.

"Damn I hate them"Candace sighed and the store owner locked the door as they continued taking pictures and filming us.

"Why did they lock the door?"Josh ask.

"It's kind of a rule. If a celebrity walks in with huge paps or fans behind them, they have to lock us in here in order for us to be safe"I replied.

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