Chapter seven

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Candace ^^

I slowly walked in the hall with Candace and Corey by my side. Soon I bumped into Ryder.

"Sorry"He said while handing me my books. I smiled.

"It's okay"I replied. He gave me one more smile and walked away. My gaze followed him until he hit the corner. "You think he likes me?"

Candace sighed. "Sure"

I frowned and we walked into life science. The bell wrong and we sat in our seats. "Study day. And yes you can have your phone out"

"Ooh! Call willow"Candace begged. Willow as in willow smith. We are friends.

I clicked on willows contact as it beeped. "Hello!"

"Willow!"Me and Candace exclaimed. She smiled.

"Hey gals, I see your at school"She said while chuckling a little bit. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah, I hate this place"

"Lmao, why don't you just homeschool?"She asked. I pointed towards Candace and she chuckled.

"Ohhh"Willow smiled. "Imma catch y'all later though, I'm gonna take a nap"Willow said.

"Alright, bey"I said and we both hung up.

"Sooo, your birthday is coming up"Candace cooed. I sighed while clicking my phone off.

"Woop die dam doo"I sarcastically stated with jazz hands. Candace flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Girl! You are turning the big 17!"She exclaimed. I shrugged. I really couldn't care for my birthday.

My phone buzzed and it was an email from my agent.

RosyRossmanagement- Hey Piper. You've been called for an audition down here in LA. You interested?

I screenshot it and sent it to my mom.

Me- opinion

Lifegiver❤️😘- go for it boo.

I quickly sent a respond to my manager accepting it. I was happy then a mf. As much as I love my music, I really loved acting.

Candace frowned at the text she got. "My parents are getting a divorce."

She frowned slightly. "Best way to break it to me over text"

I rubbed her back for support. I would hate to share my huge news now. "Candace, I understand what your going though"

She nodded while rubbing her face. She was right red and was trying to hold her tears back.

"May we be excused?"I asked and the teacher nodded while tapping away on his phone. I gathered our stuff and we walked out to the bathroom.

"I don't know what to do"She cried. I pulled her in a hug and she cried on my shirt.

"It's hard, I know, but it's life."

"Life's unfair"She said as her cheeks were rosy red. Candace pulled her brunette hair up into a ponytail and I wiped her tears.

The bell rung and she smiled. "Schools over. Can I crash at your place tonight? I don't feeling like dealing with my parents at the moment"

"Girl yes, you know your always welcome"I smiled. She wiped her stray tears and we walked out the bathroom to carpool.

We got into my moms car and buckled up. Payton was sitting in the front tapping away on her phone.

"Mom, Candace asked is she can stay the night."I said. Mom smiled and nodded.

"Of course your always welcome"Momma said. Payton rolled her eyes. Soon a text came to my phone.

Unknown- hey Pip, you looked a little ew today.

I sighed while simply blocking the number. Candace placed her hand on my shoulder and momma began to drive off.

"We have a court date next week"Momma told me with a little awkwardness. Ever since the teacher tried to rape me basically, he's been awaiting in jail until his hearing.

"Court date for what?"Payton asked. Mom shook her head and sighed laying my on the window.

We arrived home and Candace and I went to my room.

"I'm not feeling to good"I said wth a sick feeling to my stomach. It made me uncomfortable every time I thought of the situation.

"Sleep it off, and if you wake up still sick, then I'll let your mom know"Candace replied and I nodded.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and changed into my shorts. My eyes shut and I instantly went to sleep.

"Piper"Someone whispered. I shot up looking at Mr. Michael on my bed. He doesn't even deserve the Mr title.

He scooted closer. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't. I was stuck in place. "Don't fight it babe"

He said coming closer undressing my clothes. I couldn't scream. I couldn't do nothing but sit and take it.

"Oh it will hurt, but as long as I'm feeling good, then everything is okay"He chuckled while getting closer.

I tried to scream forgetting that I couldn't. Everything was going slow motion. Soon mouth opened letting out a scream.

"Piper! Piper!"Candace yelled with Payton next to her. I sat up and she had a confused look. "What's wrong?"

I sighed shaking my head. "Something's wrong and I'm not leaving to I find out"Payton said. Is coffee and she sighed.

"Can you guys give me and Piper a minute"Sidney asked. They nodded and left.

Sidney closed the door and locked it. "So, I've been pondering about this. I know what's going through your mind right now"

I hurried my head in my knees letting the tears fall. She pulled me in a hug. "Once when I was 16, I was raped by my moms boyfriend"She started while rubbing my back.

"It was crazy, I've thought of committing suicide more than once. It was hard. At that time I had an image that I was afraid to ruin and so does you. It's okay to let it out. But just know that it isn't over"

I remained silent and stayed in Sidney's embrace. "Sid, thank you"I replied and we released.

"Of you need anybody to talk to, you got me, your mom, court, Aysia, Alisha, I just don't want to feel like you have no one okay"Sidney smiled walking to the door.

I nodded and she unlocked it walking out. Minute later Candace came in and smiled.


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