Chapter twelve

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"Landon, we've been together since middle school, how can you randomly break up with me?"I asked while staring into the boys eyes and tears poured out.

"It's high school Stacey, I need more exciting things, all you do is homework. I want a party girl"

I looked down sighing. "I'll do anything Landon! Please"

"Sorry Stacey, but your just not the one"

"Cut! Perfect Piper!"The director yelled. This was the last day of auditions. I smiled and I high fived Josh. He was just somebody I used to help me with the script.

"Alright now can we take it from the lunch room scene?"

I nodded. Candace walked in with my lunch and sat it on a table. "Hey you, come here and help"

Candace nodded and walked over. She grabbed a script. I shook my nervousness out and did a slight prayer.

"Wait, you hate Camilla to?"Candace asked.

"I cannot stand her. She's the worst" I replied. Candace nodded in agreement.

"I guess we have something in common"She chuckled. I laughed and nodded.

"You know, we can make a revenge plot against her"I smiled.

"Olala, if I may ask. Why are you mad at her?"

"She stole my boyfriend. I want him back, and I'm gonna fight for him"I replied. Candace nodded. "What about you?"

"She's just annoying"

I laughed. "Stacey"



I high fived Candace and she smiled. "Hey girl what's your name?"The director Yasmin asked Candace.

"Candace underwood"

She nodded.

"Email will go out today to see parts. We start in the morning. It's a wrap!"

I smiled and grabbed my lunch. Candace and I went to a park bench outside and began to eat.

"I didn't know you could act girl"I said and she shrugged.

"I didn't know either. Lmao just something in the moment"

I nodded.

My hands shook tremendously as I opened the email. Mom, Candace, and Josh were crowded around me waiting for me to reveal the list.

"Come on!"Mom anxiously yelled.

"Alright calm down." I scrolled down and found the list. "Piper Davis as Stacey Ward"

I squealed and smiled. "I got the lead"

They clapped. "Read the rest I wanna know who makes it"Mom said.

"Candace Underwood as Kat Wilson, Josh King as Landon Nickerson!"I yelled. They looked confused but went along with it.

"I'm so excited"Candace cheered.

Y'all I feel so dumb. I thought I published this chapter but I didn't. Lmao I'm so sorry.

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