Chapter six

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It was a silent ride on our way to Louisiana. We had to go visit August family. When I tell you half of them hates us.

"Piper!"Mom yelled and I looked up.

"Yes?"I asked and sighed. She shook her head and I groaned. We were in a mini van, of course it's rented, you'll never catch us rolling like this on the daily.

August made a stop at a gas station. It was quite. I silently popped my gum. My phone buzzed.

Theshaderoom- so what really is Payton and Piper? Lmao why y'all so worried about what they mixed with?

I agreed in my head. It's been a lot of questions asking what am I. I went on my twitter.

PeterPiper- Since it's been such a question. My grandfather is white and my grandmother is black. That makes my mom mixed. So yeah.

I finished and posted it. August came back and began driving. "I would like it if you stopped smacking your gum"Payton said.

"If you ask nicely I will"

"What's up with y'all two?"Mom asked while frowning. "Y'all use to be Gina and Pam"

It remained silent. My phone buzzed and I sighed.

Deadbeatassdad- Hey

I left him on read. I hated my dad honestly and truly. Of course Payton adores him. I looked to the back as Ava, Ant, and Aaron were knocked out.

"Y'all ain't gonna respond?"Mom asked. I rested my head on my hand. Of course Courtney didn't tell her.

"Things change"I replied.

"Hol up nie, look, y'all sistahs, that mean y'all stick together. Man you both taking siblings for granted. Y'all heard about my bruddah male. I'll do anything to get him back."August said.

"Ask Payton why, then you'll understand"I smiled.

"Oh hush"Payton exclaimed. Mom touched up her make up in the mirror.

"Right. Look y'all been through hell together. It's just hormones, I went through the same thing"

I haven't really been confident of myself lately. After Mr. Michael had touched me, he was fired and thrown in jail. We agreed to not tell anyone. Worst case is that this could get out to the press.

"Mom, can you just accept it"Payton rolled her eyes.

"Who the hell you getting an attitude with?"Mom asked. I sighed, they were about to get into there daily arguments.

Honestly, I don't know what happened to Payton. She slowly changed after she started hanging with Sarah. Her nice sweet personality went away.

I continued staring out the window. Soon Aaron woke up. "Piper! Candy now"He exclaimed breaking me out of my train of thoughts. I handed him my gummy worms and he snatched.

"You welcome"


Josh- Hey Pip

Me- Hey Joshy

Josh- Joshy? The hell.

Me- I was just trying something out. Don't still my buzz 😂😂.

Josh- Anyway, I was wondering, whenever you get back, do you want to go to the movies.

I smiled. Wait Piper your into Ryder not him. I mean we could go as friends. Ain't nothing wrong with that right?

Me- of course bud.

I clicked my phone off. How the hell am I suppose to get Ryder if I don't even make a move?

Team Ryder or Josh?

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