Chapter 20

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Josh hasn't been answering my calls or text. When we are on set, he just ignores me. I honestly do not know what I did.

I typed along my computer and closed it. My phone buzzed and I hurried to it. It was just Payton. I clicked the answer button.

"Hello?"I asked quietly.

"Hey um, can I borrow those pants that are laying on your bed?"

"Sure, but I want them back!"I exclaimed.

"Alright bye"

I sat on the couch in my dressing room and typed away on my phone. I soon decided to scroll through my messages and made sure to delete a couple.

I opened up to Josh and I's messages and sighed again. I debated with myself whether to text him again or just leave it alone. I'll just talk to him today on set. I heard a knock on my door knowing that the break was over.

"I'm coming"I replied. I opened the door and the hair and makeup people came to touch up my hair and makeup.

I then walked back out onto set. We were filming Candaces and I's revenge scene.

"Alright Piper, I want you on the bean bag and Candace, you'll be standing up walking around your room. Piper I want you to like observe everything in her room and gag at it since you two have different styles"

I nodded and he yelled action. "Look we got to think of something more than paint and feathers"Candace said walking around.

I picked up a black gargoyle and examined it. "We gotta get you more decorations"I replied and she snatched it from me placing it down.

"I'm not the girly type. So stop"

I put my hands up in surrender. Then an idea popped in my head.

"We should, oh never mind"I replied and Candace looked at me. I chuckled slightly and she turned around.

"Look here Mrs. Hypey, first you need to calm down"

"Okay your rudeness"I replied and she rolled her eyes. She plopped down next to me and I looked all over the room.

I stood up. "Maybe I do have an idea"I smirked and she looked at me.

"And cut! Perfect girls"

I walked down off the set and Josh was sitting down. I went next to him and sighed. "Josh. Hey what's up?"

He looked at me and turned away. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Josh, okay seriously what's going on? I did nothing to you!"I exclaimed.

I soon gave up and stormed to my dressing room. Since we were done for the day, I packed up my bag and stormed out.

"I'm out!"I yelled.


Tj was outside waiting for me and Candace. Candace finally came out and got in the car. Tj got in the front seat and made sure we buckle up.

"Ava, ant, Payton, andAaron are at school. Your mom is at a photo shoot. Sidney is at school. Courtney is at some studio idk. Chris and Alisha had to drop their kiddos off and then go somewhere I forgot. Aysia and Bryson went to the studio with Courtney."

I nodded.

"So you guys will be home alone, so don't invite no boys, no parties, and don't touch my recorded stations"Tj warned. We laughed and nodded.

We arrived home and got out. I took my key from my pocket and unlocked the front door. Candace and I walked in and Candace locked it back.

"I'm going to sleep"Candace yawned and I nodded. I placed my hair up in a bun. I went to my bathroom and wiped all my makeup off.

The time was 12:34 pm. I sighed and walked downstairs. I heard a knock on the door and I opened it. Josh stood there with flowers.

"Yeah we need to talk"He said. This time it sounded serious. I stepped outside and closed the door.

"What's it about?"I asked. He first then handed me the flowers and sighed.

"We can't be together anymore"He looked down. It took me a while to grasp that in my head.

"Why?"I asked looking straight at him.

"Because, my parents wants me to date this smart girl. She was the one who was sitting on the couch."

"Well how about you give these to her"I replied while handing him the flowers and walked in. I slammed the door and locked it.

"Are you okay?"Candace asked. I shook my head and she opened her arms.

I hugged her and we sat on the couch. "Josh just broke up with me"I cried and dabbed a tear away.

"What! Why?"

"For some other girl his parents want him to date. She's smart, are they calling me dumb? Cause I'm the one who got his son the tv gig. If it wasn't for me he wouldn't be here right now."

Candace then looked at me. "So are you saying that you got me this Tv show to? Because I did the same thing as josh."

"No Candace not like t-"

"It's exactly like that Piper. Holla at me when your not so moody"

I rested my head in my hands and sighed. I'll just go for a run, it's what I do to get things off my mind. I walked upstairs into my room and changed into my sports bra and shorts.

I hooked my headphones into my phone and went outside and began to run. I arrived home sighing.

Sidney sat outside staring off into space. I sat next to her and she sighed. "Piper, why am I just finding out about what happened to you?"

"What happened to me?"I asked but knew the answer. She sighed.

"You could have come to me"She sighed. I really didn't understand why.


"Because, when I was younger, I was raped by my step dad. That's how I had the twins. Everything came crashing down, I felt like I wanted to just die"

I never ever knew that happened to her.

"It was heart breaking. I some times laid in bed at night blaming myself, and I had so many bad thoughts running through my head. I didn't even like myself no more"She cried and I teared up.

"Have, have you ever had this one moment where it felt like you were trapped in something?"I asked. "When that happened, I had dreams about it, and I couldn't do nothing"I cried.

"I couldn't scream, I couldn't move, I couldn't tell my self to snap out of it"I sniffed while wiping my tears away. "All I could do it sit there and experience it."

Sidney pulled me in a hug and I sobbed. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry"She cried.

"Why are you sorry?"I sniffed and looked up.

"I promised myself not to let that happen to you guys. I didn't want any of y'all experience this. The pain I went through is unbearable"

"Pain only makes someone stronger"I replied and we hugged.

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