chapter eight

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School. The place that will make me go crazy. Candace stayed home, her parents were to selfish to put their differences aside and bring her school. Corey turned on us, he claimed he couldn't handle all the drama.

I walked quietly to the lunch room. I grabbed my food and sat at the table alone. Soon Sarah sat next to me smiling. "Look at the ugly whore sitting alone"

"Can you just leave me alone?"I asked. She laughed while flipping her hair to the side.

"Your weak without your little friendy pooh"She chuckled. I sighed.

I remained silent as she babbled on about how useless I am. "Sarah chill"Ryder said and she sighed rolling her eyes standing up walking away.

"Thanks"I replied silently. Lunch was over and I went to my locker. A note fell out and I picked it up. I opened it and sighed.

Stay Ugly -Sarah

I put all my books in my locker and slammed it shut.

Soon as I got home I ran to my room and locked myself up. I paced around my room debating with myself. It was raining out side. I decided to sit at my window seat staring at it.

Soon my door cracked open. "Who is it?"I sighed. They didn't respond and I turned around seeing Payton.

"Can we talk?"

I shrugged while scooting over and she sat down next to me. "What?"I asked.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for making those text start. For letting Sarah do them things to you. I'm sorry for being a horrible sister. I'm sorry"She cried.

I debated for a second and scratched my head. She grabbed my arm pulling my sleeve down. "Piper!"She exclaimed while examining my cuts.

I put my head down while sniffling. She brought me in as I broke down crying. The room was filled with my sobs as she rubbed my back. "I'm so sorry"She whispered.

"I can't do this anymore"I cried.

"Shhh don't talk like that"

"Payton don't try to act like a hero now"I exclaimed while pulling away from her. "Don't try to pin this all on Sarah like she's the problem. You know how much I've gone home crying, telling myself that I'm useless because of you?"

Payton looked at me crying.

"And I've put myself down everyday, calling myself ugly. Payton I'm hurting because of you. You betrayed me and the first you apologized I thought we were making progress. But you went back to that chick Sarah"I sobbed.

"I'm so sorry Piper. But can you please stop harming yourself"

"Why? It's not like you would care"

"Yes I do!"Payton exclaimed. "Piper I love you. And yes I'm wrong in so many ways and level. But I care about you, and your safety."

I smiled. "It's gonna take me a while to forgive you, but I love you too"

She smiled. "One for old times sake?"She asked and I nodded. We went into the hallway and both slammed a glass vase on the grown.

"What the hell! Who broke something"Momma yelled and we both snickered. "Piper and Payton! Y'all are too old"

We high fived and walked back into my room.

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