Town's Trip

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  After breakfast was served and finished, Edgar left his seat and requested that (f/n) wait for him in the foyer, while he changed into something more suitable for a trip into town. She simply nodded in response and sat on the bottom step of the left staircase. While she waited, however, she partook of one of the flower lollipops, a blue raspberry one to be exact.

She didn't know what to make of the trip into town with Edgar. He called it a vacation from work, but could it be considered a date? (F/n) thought that it might as well be. Of course, Edgar would refuse to call it that, since he always liked to leave her in a state of confusion. If it genuinely was a date, she did look forward to it. In fact a feeling of giddiness was currently coursing through her veins. Outwardly, she did her best to contain such a feeling. Thankfully, the sweetness of the lollipop helped, since she could focus some of her attention on it.

When she heard footsteps descending the steps behind her, she peered over her left shoulder. Seeing Edgar, she felt a bit of heat rise to her cheeks. A white button-up and black blazer, with two silver buttons on the left side of it and white cuffed sleeves that went just past the elbows, covered his torso. Black pants went over his legs, and black dress shoes complimented his feet. Around his neck were an emerald green tie and an emerald green scarf. His dark brown locks hung loose and framed his face perfectly. He really outdid himself.

"I take it that you like my outfit change," he remarked with one of his typical smirks highlighting his face.

A darker blush covered her cheeks upon realization that she made her opinion so obvious, even without voicing it. She glanced down at her hands, moved her lollipop to the side of her mouth and muttered, "Yeah, you look nice."

"I'm glad that you think so. Now, why don't we head out and enjoy ourselves?" he commented, walking down the steps the rest of the way. Before he walked past her, though, he held out a pair of black and pale blue wedge ankle boots. A pair of white socks accompanied the footwear. "You might want to change your shoes, however," he noted, looking over at her slippers.

"Actually, I thought that I would let my feet at least be comfortable," she joked, with a smirk of her own painting her lips, after she had finished her lollipop. An amused expression crossed Edgar's countenance before she took the shoes and socks from him. Taking off her slippers, she put on the socks and boots. Afterwards, she stood up from her seat, disposed of the lollipop stick in a nearby trashcan and followed Edgar out of the house.

It wasn't long before they were in the car and on the way to the town. (F/n) recalled that the last time she had been in the car with Edgar was right after she received that letter. That letter was certainly life changing. At first it had seemed like a dagger to the heart, but it had turned out into something quite different, whether that something different was amazing or not depended on the day.

Currently, she thought that it would remain positive, since there seemed to be almost no tension between Edgar and her. Well, his teasing ways could always be frustrating, but there was a lighthearted element to them as well. She knew that they were his weird way of showing affection. Edgar didn't exactly follow the typical ways of displaying affection, but she didn't mind too much anymore. In fact typical could easily become boring after awhile. So, being surprised was both infuriating but also exciting.

Resting her chin in the palm of her right hand, she leaned against the right back window of the car. As she did this and thought about various things, Edgar kept a keen eye on her. He needed to make sure that she had the proper clothes for the next phase. If she didn't, he wouldn't be able to proceed. Sweaters, shirts, shorts and pants hardly gave any inspiration. Dresses that fitted her form and added to her radiance would certainly be more influencing.

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