Chapter 5: Tonight

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4 sleepless nights passed rather smoothly. Harry still had potions every morning, but he's really improved. Snape hasn't yet let Malfoy join in again... which was actually a little disappointing on Harry's end.

Harry managed to successfully brew many potions. Perhaps he has grown more committed due to finding out that  Malfoy really enjoyed potions?

Malfoy only ever entered the Gryffindor common room to sleep, and he'd usually ignore Ron and Harry, and vise versa... but this night was different... very different.

During supper time, Harry watched as Proffesor Flitwick decorated the Great Hall even more festive for the great Christmas feast that was to take place the following night. Professor Mcgonogall decorated the hall with mistletoe lined across the walls.

Harry noticed that Malfoy had been acting strange lately... out of the ordinary. He had certainly gotten more pale... skinnier too. Harry noticed that Malfoy never even smirked anymore. It seemed as if Malfoy had also been avoiding Harry. Every time they ran into eachother in the hallways, Malfoy would jump and run off the opposite way. He also seemed extra skiddish... Harry knew something was wrong. Tonight. Harry was going to ask him tonight.

"Corner him, ask him what's been going on. Even if you do hate him, you're not this cruel... you don't hate him that much. Ask him what's wrong. Ask if he's okay!" Harry commanded himself over and over again. Harry was tired of seeing Malfoy's gloomy and depressed face, for some reason, even if they were enemies, Harry wanted to help.

"Harry? Hello? Harry? Earth to Harry!" A voice called, waving it's hands in front of Harry's face. Harry jumped.

"Relax, it's just me!" Ron said. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing, I-I'm fine." Harry lied, he was far from fine.
"Come on, mate. I know you're lying." Ron provoked.
Harry hesitated, then sighed. "Alright, alright..." he agreed, "Have you noticed anything-different with Malfoy?" Harry asked, shorty regretting telling Ron this. He raised a brow.
"Malfoy?" Ron sneered. "Is that what you're on about?"

"I think..." Harry whispered. Ron's face flushed. "Oh no, don't tell me-- you don't fancy him, do you?"

Harry blushed. "What? No, of course not! How could I ever! That prat!" He snapped. Ron's face filled back up with color. He sighed. "Good! You had me worried there, bud..."

"I just noticed, he's different... look, he's lost a lot of weight, he has bags under his eyes and he's super pale!" Harry explained shortly. Ron stared at Malfoy, who sat at the very far end of the hall.
"Blimey, you're right! What's happened?" He gasped.
"I'm not sure..."
Harry wanted badly to tell Ron that Malfoy's also been avoiding him but said nothing of it, and for a good reason, Ron would probably explode.
After they finished their dinner, Harry and Ron zoomed back to the common room.

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