Chapter 12: First Name Phase

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The next morning wasn't any less awkward than the night before. When Harry woke up, all the memories from last night hit him hard.

Did he really almost kiss Draco?
Harry's palm met his face violently. His face turned a light shade of pink as he thought of how embarrassing last night's events were.
After a few moments of shaking his head at himself, Harry finally hopped out of bed and threw on his muggle clothes. As he tied his trainers, an icy cold wind blew through him, causing him to shiver. As he finished looping the last whole, Harry rubbed his arms hastily.

It was an extremely cold morning. Harry threw on his sweater and walked down the dormitory stairs.
As he stepped off the last step, Harry came to a stop when he tumbled over a certain blond haired Slytherin.

After he tripped over his own foot, Harry fell onto him. As his arms wrapped around Draco's slim neck, Draco reacted hastily and automatically grabbed hold of Harry's waist.

After realizing the awkward position they were in, the two boys' cheeks turned a dark shade of red.

"Potter!" Draco squealed, his misty eyes looking into Harry's sparkling green ones. Harry stared at him awkwardly, lost for words.

"S-sorry..." He muttered, the words barely coming out.
"Er- good morning." Harry greeted unsurely. Draco looked at him with an unreadable expression.

As the Slytherin and Gryffindor gazed into eachother's eyes, Ron made his way down the dormitory stairs. His eyes widened when he saw the awkward scene that took place before him. Without saying a word, Ron walked right back up the stairs, trying his best to pretend that he didn't see anything at all.

Draco cleared his throat.

"So, er--" he helped Harry back onto his feet. "Did you sleep well?" He asked awkwardly. Harry could tell that Draco regretted asking, because he winced and clenched his fists after he finished the question.

"Er-- yes. I think so." Harry answered, brushing the dust from his pants.
"Where are you headed?" Draco quizzed.
"Breakfast." Harry responded, still trying his best to remove any dust particles in his clothing. "You? Why were you climbing up the dormitory stairs?" He asked, raising a single brow.
Draco's cheeks turned pink.
Harry looked at Draco, a grin spreading across his face. "Were you just that desperate to see me again?" He joked, playfully elbowing Draco in the arm.

At these words, Draco's face was full on red. "I--uh-er-" He stuttered, but no words would slip out from his lips.

Harry snickered. "I'm joking, Draco."

Draco's face fell. "Draco?" He whispered questionably. Harry smiled.

"Are we in the first name stage yet?" He  interrogated.

"I don't know, are we?" Draco quizzed back. Harry shrugged.
"If you want." He said, looking up at Draco hopefully.
Draco couldn't believe the words that were slipping through his mouth. "I'd like that." He blurted out.
Harry grinned. "Me too."

The two stared awkwardly at each other. "Should we go down for breakfast now?" Harry suggested. Draco nodded in agreement. "Great!" Harry exclaimed as he took Draco's hand in his.

Draco blushed. "Wha?" He gasped.

"Are we in the holding hand phase yet?" Harry asked as Draco stared at him disbelievingly. Draco turned his head to avoid eye contact. "Stupid Potter." He mumbled.

Harry smiled. "Hm?"
"That's what I thought."

Draco glared at the green eyed boy as he pulled him into the common room and out the portrait door.

Harry lead him into the Great Hall, where the professors and a few Ravenclaw students sat. Draco only just realized Harry was still holding his hand when he spotted Snape, sitting across from Professor Trelawney, who was telling him stories about fortune tellers she knew from other schools. Snape watched as the two boys entered, his eyes fixed on their connected fingers. His eyes were painted with fury, he curled his lip back as he glared at the Potter boy and Draco.

When he noticed, Draco dropped Harry's hand. Harry looked hurt.

"Dra-" he began, but Draco cut him off. "Don't talk to me, or anything. I'll explain later, just keep away from me. " he whispered into his ear.

Harry gave a look that said, "I'm insulted". Draco walked from Harry and sat himself across from the first year Ravenclaws.

Harry sighed and chose a seat at the far end of the table, waiting for his best friend to return.

Luckily, Ron showed up only a few minutes after Harry sat himself. He sat himself across from Harry, he looked very cautious.

"So-- how did things go with Malfoy?" He quizzed.
"What do you mean?" Harry interrogated, shoveling food onto his plate.
Ron looked at him disbelievingly.
"I saw you two embracing, don't try to hide it." He said irritably.
Harry's eyes widened as his cheeks turned red. "You saw that?" He squeaked. Ron nodded.

"It wasn't what it looked like, I swear to it." Harry said truthfully.
Ron smirked. "Sure." He falsely agreed.


AUTHOR NOTE: alohamora everyone!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did please remember to vote and comment. If you like my work, please do follow me! I'm trying to get to 24 followers by the end of next week, and right now I've only 17!

But thank you guys sooo much for 2k views!! I'm so excited that you guys are really enjoying my book, and I am absolutely thankful for all the comments you guys leave for me. Whenever I feel down I read your comments and they brighten up my day! I enjoy reading them all, and I try my best to reply.

ANNOUNCEMENT:: so I'm thinking of writing another Drarry fic too, but idk should I? Would you guys read it? Please let me know in the comments lol

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