Chapter 32: Pity and Guilt

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Harry let out a deep sigh as Draco's misty eyes glittered with pity, having just finished explaining their harsh situation.

"I see..." Harry murmured, placing his hand on his chin in a thoughtful manner. "So Snape knows about us?" He asked, though he wasn't sure exactly why he asked anything-- he already knew what the answer was.

Draco nodded.

"That's what I just said, isn't it?" He said, his voice trembling with every word.

Harry scanned the frightful Slytherin closely.

"It's just Snape though, isn't it? What's he going to do? What are you so afraid of, Draco?" Harry questioned, raising a brow.

Draco brought his knees to his chest and sighed. His grey eyes shook intensely as tears threatened to stream down his pale cheeks.

"Draco?" Harry whispered, trying his best to read what was on Draco's busy mind. After a moment of silence, the puzzled Gryffindor recalled previous words Draco had once said.

"He'll use the cruciatus curse on me if he ever finds out."

At this memory, Harry's heart dropped. His bright green eyes scanned the troubled boy with guilt. Harry clapped his hands over his mouth, his eyes preparing to produce salty tears.

"Draco, I---" He began, realizing his mistakes. "This is all my fault..." He whispered.

At these words, Draco's head perked up from sulking and watched Harry with wide eyes.

"N-no! It's not you!" He said, a single tear rolling down his face.

Harry gulped.

"If it means you'll be safe, I'll break up with you." He choked, turning his face from the sorrowful blond before him. He couldn't face him. Not anymore.

Draco's eyes widened even more as he realized the words from Harry's lips.

"Harry..." He said as Harry swung the broom closet's door and escaped swiftly.

Guilt rose in Harry's chest as he ran from Draco like a petty child. But he couldn't stop himself, no matter how hard he tried.
He had to stay away from him, it was the only way he could help. If he was around him, that would only mean trouble.

Harry felt foolish. Just last night he had thought his life was finally getting better.

How silly.

Author Note: Hello, all of my lovely readers. I hope you enjoyed this baby chapter, I certainly enjoyed writing it. Did it hurt? Was it painful? :) Ah.... what even is joy in this fanfiction, right? Something wrong always ends up happening.

Anyway this was a really short and dramatic chapter, I'm terribly sorry but nonetheless I hope you enjoyed it.

So if you did enjoy this chapter please do leave a vote and comment, I really appreciate reading your lovely reviews ❤️and if you'd like to be featured as 'commenter of the week' remember to vote, follow, and comment lovely things❤️❤️ And I would really appreciate if you guys could help me to 115 followers if that isn't too much trouble? :D

~Commenter of the Week~
Wolfchild99 because they are an amazing and talented person who comments a lot on both my chapters and my conversations so please give a round of applause to this lovely fellow! You're an awesome person, keep up the good work! :D

Anyway, thanks for reading!! Byeooo!

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