Chapter 19: Pansy's Plan

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Pansy glared, her chin resting lazily on the palm of her hand. She couldn't believe that Draco denied her kiss this morning, it was completely embarrassing. He had always seemed interested in her before, why was he all of the sudden so rude to her? She searched the hall with her eyes, examining each girl one by one. Any one of them could be his secret girlfriend.

"Pansy?" Blaise whispered, tapping her out of thought.

"What do you want?" She questioned, irritated to be bothered. Blaise pointed at Draco with his eyes.

Pansy looked over to see a daydreaming Draco, staring across the Great Hall. Pansy sneered. He was obviously staring at his girlfriend, so she followed his eyes. She didn't believe where her eyes landed... Potter. Harry-bleeding-Potter.

"He's probably thinking about how much he hates him." She mused to herself, scanning Draco's expression, which looked between fantasizing and adoring.

She glanced at Potter again, who was busily talking to his friends. She felt herself turn red. Why was Draco staring at Potter?

"I think I know who it is." Blaise said, quiet enough for only Pansy to hear.
Pansy stared at Blaise, an expression of hunger on her pug-like face.

"Who?" She gasped.

Blaise smirked. "Call me crazy, but it looks like he's staring at Potter." He said.

Pansy growled.

"That's not possible!" She hissed.
"Draco hates him."

Blaise smirked. "Maybe he doesn't."

Pansy gulped. There was no way this could be true, right? She glanced at Draco, her face frowning. She felt a fire burn in the pit of her stomach. Hate. Hate and jealousy for the "Boy-Who-Lived".

Blaise noticed Pansy's flustered face, so he quickly added, "But I could be wrong, he could be staring at Granger. Or..." He paused, then shook his head. "Nevermind, he's most definitely not staring at Weasley. That's just revolting." He gagged.

But this didn't make Pansy feel any better at all. The problem was that Draco didn't fancy her! Him fancying Granger would be worse than Potter, why would Draco choose buck teeth know-it-all over Pansy? She growled.

Pansy was fuming. Jealous. Angry. Hateful. Pretty much any negative emotion that you could feel about someone, Pansy was definitely feeling.

"Pansy, are you alright?" Blaise finally asked, breaking a single sweat.

"No, I'm not. Draco doesn't like me anymore, Blaise! Of course I'm not 'alright'!" She hissed, still glaring at Potter with a cold stare.

"I never said that it was true!" Blaise cut in, shaking his head and waving his hands frantically. "It's just a theory!"

Pansy continued to glare at the green eyed Gryffindor, ignoring Blaise's apologies. She couldn't believe it. Disgusting.

"Oh, we'll see about that, Blaise. We'll see about that." She mumbled.

Blaise rose a brow. He hesitated, but finally said, "What do you mean?" He asked.

"You know what I mean." She said, turning to look at him in the eye.

"We're going to find out if he really does fancy Potter." She announced.

Blaise gulped.

"And if he does?"

Pansy grinned cruelly.

"Then we'll have to change that, won't we?"


Author Note: sORRY THIS WAS A LAME CHAPTER BUT I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED IT ANYWAY! If you did, please leave a comment about how you felt about it, vote this chapter, and if you enjoy my work please follow me!

My cat had fleas and transferred them to my bed and I am currently suffering and I hate my life right now because those little black demons bite and they hurt:") Please pray for me and does anyone have any recommendations for killing fleas because I am so flipping tired of seeing them while I'm trying to have a nice day watching freaking Shane's conspiracy theory videos and it ruins the mood when I feel their viscous bites ugh ok sorryg that's enough

So, I MADE 40 FOLLOWERS! Wooooh! So as you guys know, this is totally not Friday, so I definitely reached my goal before the actual due date, so thank you guys so much! If you don't mind, if you haven't already, please do give me a follow! I'm now trying to get to 50 before Tuesday, so please help me out!!

I know this chapter is pretty short, and poorly written, I'm really sorry about that. I was in a hurry, which is a bad thing-- one shall not be rushed while writing..., but I was super busy today and I'll be busy again tomorrow, so sorry ://

ALSO: if you haven't already, PLEASE go check out my other fanfic: "Oops, We're Dads" it's Drarry and it's funny!! I'm glad to say that we've just reached the 100 view mark, so that's good!! Thanks a lot you guys!!

Anyway, have a lovely day!!! Bye!!

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