Chapter 8: Feelings?

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Here's my next chapter: EARLY UPDATE!!! WOO! Anyway, I'm sorry for the bad chapter title but I'm really bad at doing those so I'm sorry, hang in there!! 


Harry was feeling much better when he entered the Great Hall the next morning, but he hadn't forgotten the conversation he and Draco had had the night before. He felt sorry for him... but why? Why did he feel so pitiful for his enemy? Surely it didn't mean anything, right?? Anyway, it was a day before the Christmas Feast and Harry was already craving the delicious food Hogwarts prepared on Christmas Day every year. As they ate their breakfast, Ron nudged Harry hard in the side.

''Oi, mate? What are you staring at?'' He asked irritably, following Harry's eyes. Harry jumped when Ron nudged him, it actually quite hurt. Harry grunted, and broke out of the gaze he had been trapped in. He had just realized that he was starting at Draco, who was sitting with Professor Snape all the way down the table. Ron cleared his throat, and said hotly, ''I was trying to talk to you, but I soon realized you weren't paying attention to a word I said!''

''Sorry.'' Harry apologized, turning to Ron. ''I don't know-- I'm just kinda tired I guess.'' He covered up. He didn't want Ron knowing he had been ignored because his best friend was staring at Draco Malfoy! Wait--not staring. Surely Harry wasn't staring! He had just happened to doze off while his eyes were planted onto Draco... Yeah! Yeah, that's it. Ron sighed, and said something under his breath. ''What was that?'' Harry questioned. 

''Nothing-- Hey, Harry? Is everything alright? You've been a bit--off lately.'' He asked worryingly. Harry knew this was coming... someone was bound to notice. He had been dozing off so many times, he just seemed so distant all the time. He didn't even know why this was happening-- and what's weirder, it's Draco whose been on his mind. Harry couldn't stop thinking about what Draco had said the previous night.

''I can't be around you, can't you see? My father has already threatened me, you need to stay away!'' Harry's mind echoed. What could Draco possibly mean by this? Why couldn't Draco be around Harry? And why had his father threatened him? This was all so weird... and Harry just couldn't help but think about it. 

''Hello? Hello, earth to Harry!'' Ron waved his arms frantically in front of Harry's pale face. Harry suddenly snapped out of his thoughts. ''You're doing it again!'' Ron whined. Harry sighed. ''I'm sorry-- I think I just need to rest.'' He announced, and Ron rolled his eyes. ''What's wrong, Harry?'' He demanded, and Harry couldn't help but stare at Ron's irritated expression. Harry finally gave in to Ron's death stare. ''I'm not sure.'' He said truthfully. Harry really wasn't sure what was wrong-- all he knew was that he didn't like what he was feeling. 

Ron sighed. ''You can tell me, Harry. I'm your best mate!'' He persuaded, but Harry shook his head. ''It's nothing.'' He lied, he just wanted to get out of telling Ron the whole truth. Ron looked hurt. ''You don't trust me anymore?'' He quietly whimpered, his whole body seemed to have stiffened. Harry shook his head hastily, he didn't want Ron getting the wrong ideas! Harry trusted him completely, it's just that he didn't want Ron to think he was weird for worrying about Draco. Harry finally sighed, and said unwillingly, ''It's Draco.'' Ron's eyes widened, and he looked both confused and flustered. ''Malfoy? What'd he do this time? Do I need to beat him up?'' Ron threatened, glaring at Draco from all the way down the table. Not that Ron could beat anyone up... he was much too weak. Especially for Draco, who was way taller than both Harry and Ron. ''No, it's not that!'' Harry quickly interrupted, waving his hands to break Ron's glare. Ron looked confused. Harry sighed once more. ''I think... I dunno, it's dumb...'' He trailed off, and Ron's face flushed from all color. He looked at Harry seriously. ''Did you call him Draco earlier?'' He said in a small voice. Harry felt his face heat up.

''N-no, not that!'' He denied, looking at Ron with complete disgust in his eyes. But... was it that? Did Harry actually secretly fancy Draco? Shoot-- Harry means Malfoy! Not Draco-- Malfoy. Ron relaxed and sighed. ''What is it then, mate?'' He said more calmly. ''Never mind.'' Harry said. ''It's stupid.'' Ron rolled his eyes for the thousandth time today. Ron said, ''Oh come on, you're not fooling anyone, Harry! Get on with it!'' , and Harry knew he was right. He wasn't fooling anyone, and Ron now knew that something was up. Harry looked at Ron pleadingly, but was returned a nod to continue. ''I think Malfoy's father is hurting him because of me!'' He blurted out, and Ron looked at Harry disbelievingly. ''What?'' He quizzed, wearing an expression of pure puzzlement. 

Harry told Ron about the conversation he had had with Malfoy in the common room, leaving Ron with an expression of confusement. ''So you think Malfoy has an--er--'' Ron stopped mid sentence and examined Harry worryingly before continuing again. ''...well, a crush on you? And his father isn't very happy with it?'' Harry spat out the pumpkin juice he was sipping from as Ron said this, Malfoy having a crush on Harry? Harry practically gagged and Ron looked at him with disgust. ''You've gotten juice all over the place!'' He squealed, maniacally wiping his jeans with towels he had just magicked into his hand. ''Sorry!'' Harry apologized, hastily reaching in to help Ron clean up the mess he had just made. When the juice was nowhere to be seen, both Harry and Ron relaxed and Ron began to speak again. ''So--er-- about Malfoy...'' He started, but Harry interrupted. ''I just think something's wrong with him, but I'm not sure what. ---And I'm pretty sure he doesn't fancy me!'' He quickly added as Ron opened his mouth to speak. Ron sighed. ''Alright, mate. Well I think you'd better be careful. Malfoy isn't something to play with; his father is dangerous. Promise me you won't go looking for trouble?'' Ron said, looking at Harry pleadingly. Harry sighed. ''Promise.'' He said, and Ron smiled. 

''Good. Now let's get going; we've got a ton of homework to catch up on.'' Ron finalized, and Harry nodded. The two boys sat up from the table and walked out of the Great Hall as Ron frantically chatted. On their way out, Harry could've swore he saw Malfoy wink at him. Weird.


Author Note: Hello!! What's going on with you all?? I hope you are all well❤️ Anyway, I know this is early but I really wanted to update this again!! I'm determined to finish this fic!! *shakes fist* So many people voted my last chapter, and some of you guys commented, which I really appreciated. I really enjoy seeing nice comments and I'm so grateful for you guys❤️ DRARRY IS COMING SOON I PROMISE!! 

Guys, if you have enjoyed this book so far, please do give me a follow! I'm trying to get to at least 15 by the end of next week, and so far I've only 8! Please vote this chapter if you enjoyed it, and please do leave a comment! I love comments!!

I know this chapter wasn't that good, and I'm really sorry. I'm going through some tough stuff at the moment and I haven't been feeling so well. There's a Flu virus going around and I've just happened to catch it. But hey-- at least I'm missing school! More time to write fics, right?? Even if I do feel like crap. No but seriously this Flu is really bad and every time I stand I feel like I'm going to faint. Ah, oh well. Life sucks. Anyway, I hope you all have a better day than I'm having!! Goodbye, and thank you so much for reading this new chapter<3

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