Chapter 10: Sweet Dreams

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EARLY UPDATE!! I Thought I should update a new chapter today because of 900+ views!! Thank you guys so much I appreciate all of the support!!! Please enjoy the story, don't forget to comment and vote!!❤️❤️

Ron was confused, he lay in bed thinking all about what just happened. Harry had said that it was nothing, but Ron wasn't convinced. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind like electric sparks and he didn't understand anything that was going on. He didn't understand what was going on between Harry and Malfoy, it was all so weird. When they entered the common room, Ron was sure that Malfoy had done something to hurt Harry, as he always does, but when he saw them holding hands something weird sunk to the pit of his stomach.

Was Malfoy replacing Ron's place as Harry's friend? This thought suddenly came to mind and Ron's mood went from confused to worried. Was that true? Malfoy--Harry and Ron's worst enemy since day 1-- was replacing Ron as Harry's best mate? Ron felt himself heat up. He felt all sorts of emotions-- sorrow, jealousy, greed, confusion, and anger. Stupid Malfoy.

Ron gave an exasperated sigh and turned to lay on his side. Harry lay asleep on his bed beside Ron's, probably dreaming about Malfoy. Ron mused, jealousy rising in his chest. As he sat and started at the sleeping boy beside him, (Which totally was not creepy at all) he found himself jumping to another idea-- did Harry fancy Malfoy? For some reason this solution felt better than Malfoy replacing him as Harry's best friend. But Harry wasn't gay, right? And certainly not for Malfoy! Harry would've told Ron if he were gay, right? Anyway, what about that Chang girl? Harry seemed to have fancied her, and she was a girl. Harry fancying Malfoy-- what a disgusting and disturbing idea. It just wasn't possible. Finally, Ron decided to stop his thinking for the day and to at least try and fall asleep. He turned to his opposite side and closed his eyes. He felt himself drift away and fall in slumber.

Harry walked through the corridor, he held a rose in his hand as he stepped on the hard cold floor. As far as he could see, no one else was around and he was alone. A wave of excitement flooded through him. He continued to walk through the empty corridors and stopped at a beautifully decorated door. Harry immediately recognized it as the Room of Requirements. Slowly, he pushed open the door and stepped inside.

"You're late, Potter." Malfoy's voice whispered, Harry suddenly realized the Slytherin had been standing beside him. "I brought you this." Harry said, extending his hand and showing the beautiful red rose to the boy next to him. Malfoy blushed. "Er-- thanks, Potter." He said, taking the rose from Harry's warm and delicate hand. Harry smiled.

Harry felt sparks rising in his chest and everything felt so warm. He looked up at the tall, slim figure that stood before him and couldn't help but stare at the sight. Malfoy looked so beautiful. His eyes were a misty grey, they sparkles as they looked at Harry's. Grey met green and the two boys moved together slowly, closing the gap that kept them apart. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's slim waist, causing him to shudder. Harry smiled, putting his warm hand on Draco's cheek. Instantly, Harry noticed his cheeks turn a bright red. Harry leaned in and brushed his lips against Draco's, sparks flew everywhere and a warm, fuzzy feeling rose in both boy's chests. Draco returned the kiss passionately, his lips begging to be invited in. Harry sighed approvingly and pushed Draco against the wall. Draco and Harry continued to suck each other's face off when a voice called from out of nowhere.

"HARRY!" Ron yelled, shaking him out of his sleep. "Bloody hell, mate!"

Harry rubbed his eyes sleepily, irritated to have been woken up from such a wonderful dream. "What?" He groaned. Ron looked at him disbelievingly.

"You were moaning in your sleep." Ron said, his cheeks red. Harry felt himself blush, what had he said? "What did I say?" Harry interrogated, worried that whatever he said would reveal his dream. Ron opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself.

Harry sighed. "Fine, if you won't tell me then why did you wake me up?" He snapped. Ron rolled his eyes. "You're a real git sometimes, Harry." He mumbled. "You kept saying 'Draco'."

Harry gulped. His face turned even more red. "What? Why?" Harry tried-- he knew exactly why he had been saying Draco's name, but he wasn't ever going to admit it!

"And you started to kiss your pillow. Very passionately, I have to admit." He quickly added. He looked nervous. Harry felt like exploding right now. This was embarrassing.

"Harry, what's going on between you two?" Ron demanded, he looked extremely irritated. Harry shook his head. "Nothing. We're enemies, you know that." He lied. Ron looked at Harry in disbelief. He crossed his arms.

"I'm not that dull, Harry. Something is going on between you two and you're not telling me what it is." He said. Harry sighed. Ron was right. Harry had been keeping this a secret the whole time, it was about time he told someone. "Alright." He agreed.

"IthinkIfancyhim." Harry said quickly in a small voice. Ron sneered. "What? I didn't understand a word you said!" He sighed. Harry began to regret deciding to tell Ron, he had to think of some kind of lie...
"Come on, Harry! Tell me what's up." He commanded. Harry sighed once more. "I think I fancy him." He finally admitted, his voice shaking from all the nervousness.

Ron gaped. He looked as if he were about to say something, but would quickly close his mouth before he could. He looked at Harry in complete disbelief and awe, this just wasn't possible! It wasn't real! Ron hesitated, but finally managed to say, "Malfoy?"
Harry turned a deep shade of red and nodded very slowly. "I think so." He whispered.
Ron's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. Maybe this was a mistake to tell Ron. "Since when? How did it happen?" Ron quizzed, still wearing an expression of pure shock.
Harry shrugged. "I dunno, really. I think it started when the holiday did. In potions with Snape..." he began, but Ron cut him off. "Bloody hell, of all people..." he muttered.
Harry gulped. "You're not mad, are you?" He asked worryingly. Ron shook his head. "Not mad, just completely and utterly shocked. I mean I kinda expected it... but it still came off as surprising." He explained.
"Wait, what do you mean "I mean I kinda expected it"?" Harry asked. Ron smirked. "It's kinda obvious." He said as Harry blushed. "It is?" He gasped.
Ron smirked. "Yep."
Author Note: Hullo all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I know it was early, but I really want to get to the Drarry parts lmao so I might be updating more than usual. If you enjoyed this chapter,please remember to vote this chapter and leave a comment!! ❤️ thank you so much for watching, have a great day!!!

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