Chapter 7: Comforted

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The Christmas feast was coming up, and Ron was more cheerful than ever. Harry hadn't had a chance to talk to Malfoy the other night-- instead of making things better with him, he actually managed to make things worse. Malfoy had been ignoring Harry ever since .Ron seemed to have noticed Harry's depressed mood; because when they went for breakfast the next morning Ron blurred out, "Why are you so upset, mate?"
Harry merely shook his head when he asked, he didn't feel like explaining to Ron that he was upset because Draco had been avoiding them. Ron eventually gave up on trying to get the truth out of Harry, and Harry couldn't have been more grateful.

When the two boys walked into the Great Hall, they found that all the house tables had been pulled off to the side and one single table lay in the middle. In the tallest chair, almost like a throne, sat Professor Dumbledore, who stared around as everyone enjoyed their delightful meals. Beside him sat Professor Mcgonagall, who sat next to Professor Trelawney. Snape sat on Dumbledore's left side, accompanied by multiple other professors. On the right side of the table, four Ravenclaw first years sat looking awkwardly at eachother, and Malfoy sat beside them, looking both annoyed and awkward.

Ron and Harry coincidentally sat across from Malfoy, and Harry could see Malfoy was irritated about that-- because he scoffed when they sat down.   "Very good!" Dumbledore said, clapping his hands together and examining each face through his half moon spectacles. "Now that everybody is here, shall we eat?" And with that, he snapped his fingers and multiple plates of breakfast orientation appeared out of nowhere. All the professors started to eat. The first year Ravenclaws hesitated before they ate anything, but eventually decided that none of the food was poisonous by filling their own plates.

Malfoy, Harry noticed, didn't even touch his plate. He hadn't eaten anything for quite a while, and this made Harry very nervous. Without thinking, Harry said to Malfoy quiet enough so no one else could hear, "You need to eat, Malfoy." And as to punctuate his sentence, Malfoy looked up, a nervous look on his face. He looked at Harry irritably when he finally whispered back, "So do you, Potter." Harry noticed a pink tinge approach Malfoy's cheeks. Harry felt himself turn red as well, so he looked at his lap to cover his face. When Harry looked up again, Malfoy was creeping out of the Great Hall.

As Ron told stories to scare the first years, Harry snuck after him, trying his best to remain unnoticed. Harry followed as he watched Malfoy walk through the corridors and into the Gryffindor common room. When Malfoy whispered to the Fat Lady, "Flubberworms" she let him through and Malfoy disappeared from Harry's sight. Harry followed him in shortly after, repeating the method Malfoy had used to enter the tower. "Flubberworms" He whispered, and the Fat Lady portrait swung open. Harry quietly climbed in. When he looked into the common room, he found Malfoy sitting on one of the chairs by the fire with his knees to his chest.

"Malfoy." Harry said, and blushed as Malfoy whipped his head around with a nervous look painted onto his face. Malfoy hesitated, then finally let out, "I want to be left alone, Potter."
At these words, Harry's heart leapt. He was actually talking to Malfoy! It had been so long since they last had a conversation, it was quite nice when they talked.

"Why were you crying in the bathroom, Malfoy?" Harry hesitantly asked, shortly regretting ever asking the question at all. Malfoy didn't respond, he only closed his eyes. Harry walked towards Malfoy and sat himself next to him on the couch. Harry noticed Malfoy open his eyelids, a truly fearful look gleaming in his misty eyes.

"I can't tell you." He muttered, Harry could tell Malfoy was extremely nervous right now. Harry couldn't blame him-- he was nervous as well. He could feel his own heartbeat throbbing in his chest, trying to break free.

"Why not?" Harry questioned in a soft voice. He didn't want Malfoy thinking that he was talking to him as an enemy-- but Harry's thoughts were interrupted by Malfoy's cry, "I can't be around you, can't you see? My father has already threatened me, you need to just stay away!" He cried, and with that, Harry placed his hand of Malfoy's shoulder.

"Why can't you be around me?" Harry asked, although he didn't know why he was asking-- him and Malfoy were enemies! Harry shouldn't care about Malfoy's well being! But for some reason he did, he wanted to be there for  him. It felt wrong not to comfort someone who needed it. But this didn't mean anything-- Harry and Malfoy are enemies, always have been always will be. He was just being charitable since it was Christmas and Malfoy was lonely...  that was it!

Malfoy jumped at the sudden contact and asked the question Harry had been asking himself the whole time-- "why do you care?" And at those words, Harry blushed. "Because I'm a caring person I guess... you need to be comforted and nobody seems to be comforting you... I'm here, Malfoy. Even if we are enemies-- I'm a shoulder you can cry on." He said, and Malfoy looked up at those words. He wasn't crying, but his eyes looked like they just might be.

"Leave me alone, Harry. I don't need to be consoled." He hissed as he stood up from the warm couch.

Harry stood up as well, obviously noticing some improvement-- Malfoy had just called Harry by his first name. Whether it was on purpose or it had just slipped, Harry didn't care. All he knew was that Malfoy had called him Harry-- but why was he so excited by this thought? Why did it make his heartbeat speed up when he remembered the way Malfoy had said "Harry"?

Author Note: Hello everyone, I really hope you're enjoying my story, and if you are: please vote this chapter and leave a comment, they are much appreciated! I would also be super happy if you followed me, I would actually be so excited haha so please go and do that as well! I'm so glad people are actually enjoying this, and I'm so sorry for updating this late. This book is updated every Friday and I've just posted this chapter on a Saturday so whoops! But anyway, I hope you guys are tuned in for the next chapter. Bye and have a lovely day thinking about Drarry❤️❤️

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