Chapter 25: Truth or Kiss

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Author note: Hey you guys!! SORRY this is a little late, I've been feeling a lack of motivation lately and I'll get more into that at the end of this chapter if you wanna know lol but anyway let's get started...

Draco walked into the Slytherin common room, his back hunched in shame.

Pansy looked, pretending to raise a brow in interest.

"What's wrong, Draco?" She asked, faking an innocent voice.

Draco collapsed into the green and silver sofa directly across from where Pansy sat, slapping his palm to his face.

"I'm not sure." He groaned, his hand sliding down his pale face.

Pansy closed the potions book she had been reading and watched Draco dreamily.

"You can tell me!" She promised.

Draco shook his head.

"It's nothing. You wouldn't understand." He said, his face wearing a troubled expression.

Pansy stood from her seat and sat down next to the pale Slytherin.

"Come on Drakey, you can tell me anything." She said, trying too hard to make a 'cute voice'. She lied her hand on Draco's.

Draco's face turned red as he slipped his hand away from Pansy's grasp. He rubbed the back of his head as he uncomfortably shifted where he sat.

Pansy grinned. She scooted closer and laid her head on his shoulder.

Draco obviously felt uncomfortable. His cheeks burned as he pushed the helpless girl off of him.

Pansy stared with hurt eyes. She examined Draco for a minute and frowned.

"Drakey, what's wrong?" She asked, sticking out her bottom lip.

Draco sneered.

"Get off!" He commanded, standing up.
"And don't call me that!" He said.

Pansy growled.

As Draco stomped away, he stopped when Pansy suddenly interrupted.

"I know why you're upset." She said darkly.

Draco paused. Sweat dripped down his face as he clenched his fists.
He slowly turned to face the pug faced girl, a puzzled look on his face.

"You don't know anything." He said.

Pansy snickered.

"No, Draco. It's you who doesn't know anything."

Draco gave an exasperated sigh as he crossed his arms irritably.

Pansy obviously didn't know what was going on between him and Potter. Right? There was no way she could have found out...

Draco's thoughts were I interrupted when Pansy said, "I know more than you think."

Draco gulped.

"You're making things up." He hissed.

Pansy gave a sinister smile.

"Kiss me, and I won't tell anyone about you and Potter." She said through a crooked smile.

Draco's eyes widened as he clenched his fists.

"T-there's nothing to tell about us?" He stuttered, acting as if nothing was happening between him and Potter.

There was no way Pansy could know.

"Don't act dumb with me, Draco." She snickered. "Kiss me and I won't tell a soul!"

Draco growled, still denying his relationship with the Boy-Who-Lived.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" He hissed, beginning stomping away.

Pansy stood and grabbed him by the wrist.

"Kiss me!" She commanded, pulling the pale Slytherin closer.

His cheeks burned as he pushed her away.

"Tell the whole world if you must! But I am never kissing you!" He hissed, snatching his hand away and stomping off, leaving the pug-like faced girl with an expression full of hurt.

Pansy stared after him, tears threatning her eyes.

Draco was going to pay for what he had done.


Author Note: hello again

sorry this was a short chapter but, like i said, i've been feeling down lately.

I'm just so tired of people constantly asking me,

''Why are you always so tired''

''You don't talk much do you'' like, ''no, i talk. just not to you.''

''Why don't you eat'' 

''Why are you so short''

''Why do you always read'' at least i know how to

''Why do you write fanfiction that's weird'' 

like i don't fricking know why don't you mind your own business and worry about yourself instead of worrying about others my gosh

anyway, thank you guys SO much for 11k+ views!! I cannot believe (like i've said like 1,000,000 times before) That people actually enjoy my writing!! I'm sorry i've been disappointing lately with the short chapters but , like i said, i've been down. 

So, as usual, if you enjoyed this chapter please leave a comment and vote for it <33 If you enjoy my work, please give me a follow! i've 51 right now and I'm trying to get to 55 by Friday so please help me out there if you would <3 Anyway, like always,bye and have a lovely day!!<3

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