Chapter 15: To Harry

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Cold tears trickled down Harry's pale face as he hid his face in the palms of his hands. He couldn't believe the betrayal. For once, he thought he had finally found love. For once, he thought that Malfoy wasn't as bad as some people may have thought. But all of that had been proven to be wrong. Malfoy was probably one of the most revolting, sinister, evil, people Harry had ever met. Ron was right about him the whole time. There was nothing good about him. How could Harry had been so stupid?

Harry was jerked out of his thoughts as the dorm room's door was swung open. A certain red-haired boy stood in the doorway, his face falling from the excited expression that had been on his freckly face. He stared at Harry, confused. 

''Blimey!'' He exclaimed, making his way towards Harry. As he crouched down beside his best friend, he let out a cold whisper. ''What did he do to you?''

Tears threatened to fall from Harry's bright green eyes once again, but the brown-haired Gryffindor wasn't going to let Ron see him vulnerable like this. He sniffled slightly and sighed. Harry was absolutely humiliated. Here he was, crying about the boy that Ron had warned him about many times before. How was he going to explain to Ron that the 'Boy of His Dreams' wasn't really in love with him? Harry was slightly more relieved to know that Ron had already guessed what the general problem was... Malfoy. 

''He hates me.'' Harry choked. At these words, Harry noticed Ron's fist clench.

''I knew he was no good, Harry!'' Ron said, shaking his head in disappointment. 

Harry gave a depressed sigh. He sunk his head into his knees. 

''I should have listened to you.'' He said, his voice slightly muffled.

Ron nodded before patting Harry on the shoulder. 

''We all make mistakes, mate.'' He said. ''We'll just make sure Malfoy pays for this one.'' He added, a dark expression creeping onto his face.

Harry looked up from his knees and into his best friend's eyes. 

''I'm sorry.'' He said.

Ron looked taken aback. 

''Sorry?'' He quizzed, obviously confused as to why Harry would be apologizing.

''I'm sorry that I was so naive about this.'' Harry sighed, slightly turning pink.

Ron looked at Harry apologetically. 

''It's not your fault, Harry.'' He said. ''Sometimes the heart confuses us. We can't blame our selves for false love.''

Harry was surprised. Was Ron on some kind of wisdom potion? 

''Thanks, mate. For always being there.'' Harry thanked, wiping the dry tears left on his eyes.

Ron gave a weak smile. 

''No problem, mate.'' Ron said, patting Harry once again. ''We should go play Quidditch or something... it would take your mind off of things.'' He suggested.

Harry nodded. He couldn't have been anymore thankful for Quidditch before. He couldn't wait to be back in the sky, sitting on his Firebolt and just zooming through the clouds, not a worry in the world. He couldn't wait to feel the cool air brushing against his warm skin.

Harry managed to let out a smile. Ron stood up and stretched his hand out for Harry. Harry took the support and was brought back onto his feet. He wiped his eyes one last time before the two Gryffindors got ready for a little practice round of Quidditch outside.


After that day, Harry had completely avoided Malfoy. Malfoy would try to speak to Harry in the corridors, but whenever the Gryffindor had seen him coming he would turn the opposite direction and disappear. Draco felt extremely guilty about what he had said. But none of it was true! It was all lies he told to save himself from the horrifying punishments that his father had in store. He wish Harry had known the truth.

The week went by fast. On Christmas morning, Harry and Ron had woken up to a hoard of presents at the foot of their beds.

''It's from Hermione!'' Ron exclaimed, desperately ripping the wrapping paper apart to reveal a brand new Sneak-o-scope. ''She wasn't lying when she said she would get us good gifts this year!''

Harry gave a huge grin as he unwrapped his very own Quidditch set. Ron, having only just noticed Harry's new gift, gasped. 

''Who's that from?'' He asked, still in shock with how amazing Harry's new present was.

''It's from Hermione! I can't believe she'd have the galleons to get this!'' Ron answered himself, reading off of the tag that had once been a part of the dazzling present box.

Having enjoyed unwrapping a dozen presents together, Ron and Harry feasted on Mrs. Weasley's home made chocolates as they wore the specially designed sweaters she had knitted for them. 

As he went to grab another bit of chocolate, Ron noticed something hidden under a piece of wrapping paper left on the floor. 

''Hey, what's this?'' He quizzed, moving the piece of paper from sight to find a dinky little box. 

Harry examined the box before taking it into his hands. 

To Harry 

The tag read. Harry hesitated, but then slowly opened the lid. 

Inside of the box was an amulet. 

''What's that?'' Ron questioned, scanning the amulet expectantly. 

Harry shrugged. ''Dunno.''

''Who's it from?'' Ron asked.

Harry shook his head. ''It doesn't say.'' He confirmed, examining the box once again for any names he may have missed.

After Harry had put the box away, the boys shrugged the mystery offed and passed it off as unimportant.

  It was the end of Christmas holidays, and the rest of Hogwarts trotted into the school, each child equipped with brand new gifts they had received from their lovely homes. 

Harry and Ron were more than happy to see Hermione again, it almost felt complete now that Harry's two favorite people were with him again. But something was still missing, and Harry had somewhat of an idea about what it might be. Draco Malfoy. 

Harry and Ron made a vow to not speak about what had happened over the holidays with Malfoy, it would be too embarrassing for the two of them.

Everything was back to normal now, the night the rest of the school returned was probably the best night Harry had had in days. They no longer had to share common rooms with Malfoy, so all was well. Harry just hoped he could just never speak to the Slytherin again.

AUTHOR NOTE: Heyy everyone! I REALLY hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, please vote it, leave a comment, and follow me if you enjoy my work!! I'm really sorry this was kinda late, but I've been super busy!!



Ron, Harry, and Draco get into a fight during Potions class : )

They accidentally spill this weird potion all over poor little Ron. :  )

He is turned into a baby :   )

Snape is really mad :   )

Takes them to Dumbledore :    )

Draco and Harry are forced to take care of baby Ron until Snape finishes antidote :     )

Thus, making them fathers. 

It really isn't meant to be taken seriously but if you like that idea please read it lmao

Anyway, in my last update I asked how old you all thought I was and a lot of you said I was 14-17. but my birthday is coming up March 29th so don't forget to buy me a gift :0. I may share my age then but totally not now.

Anyway, thanks so much for 4K VIEWS OMFG THANK YOU A LOT ILY ALL !!!! Alright, well that's all I have to say so have a lovely day, goodbye!!

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