Chapter 17: Melted Chocolate ;)

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"Draco? Hello? Earth to Draco!" Pansy whined, snapping Draco out of deep thought.

Draco jumped in a start. "What do you want?" He hissed.

Pansy looked insulted. "Don't take that tone with me!" She commanded, crossing her arms. "You've been so mean to me lately!"

Draco rolled his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" She demanded, following Draco's sight. Her eyes landed on Potter.

"Why on earth are you staring at Potter?" She hissed.

"I'm not, Pansy. Mind your own!" He commanded.

As Draco continued to stare guiltily at the green eyed Gryffindor, he noticed something was off about him. He seemed awfully skittish and depressed. Was it because of what happened? This was all Draco's fault, and he knew it. He had to set things straight with Potter. He had to.

Draco's eyes widened when he noticed Harry and his friends stand from their seats and walk out the Great Hall.

This could be his chance. Maybe he'd catch Potter on their way to class and tell him what really happened.

He stood from the Slytherin table hastily before he was abruptly stopped by Pansy's hand attached to his wrist.

"Where are you going?" She interrogated.

Draco tore his hand away and sneered. Pansy looked hurt.

"None of your business." He said, continuing to follow Potter and his friends.

"What is wrong with him?" Pansy growled.

"Maybe he has a girlfriend or something." Blaise whispered.

Pansy nodded grudgingly and bit her bottom lip. "What happened over the holiday?" She whined. "I knew I should've stayed!"

"We'll find out soon enough." Blaise promised.

Pansy sighed. "But what about me? I thought he liked me." She mumbled.


"--and then Professor Snape's homework, we can't forget that!"
Hermione said, bending her ring finger. She had just been reminding Harry and Ron of all the homework they hadn't yet finished.

Ron groaned. "Why does school even have homework? It's dumb! We're not even at home, we're at school all the flipping time." He whined.

Hermione glared. "If you ever want to succeed in life, Ronald, you need plenty of practice. And that's exactly what homework offers!" She explained irritably.

Ron rolled his eyes. "It's still stupid." He mumbled.

As Harry's two best friends continued to argue, he couldn't help but think about Malfoy again.

He couldn't believe it, but although he was very upset with him, Harry also felt as if he missed him.
He missed getting lost in those misty eyes.

As they turned a corridor, Harry was snapped out of his thoughts when a cold hand grabbed his forearm.
(( WOAH deja vu there. I feel like I've written this before but I haven't??? Fr I feel like this happened. Maybe I read it in another fic. If I did then I am so sorry oops lmao))

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