Chapter 9: Mistletoe

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Author Note: WOAH 700+ views?? Thank you all sooo much for all of the support❤️ I hope you enjoy this chapter just as much as the rest, and I'd like to apologize for any mistakes because I'm sick with the flu still and it sucks. Also hurray!! There's a solar eclipse tonight! Anyway, without any further adieu, let us start the chapter!!


"But what if I don't care what my father thinks?" Draco snapped. Snape glared at him. Ever since that potion incident happened, Snape had been keeping his eye on Draco, making sure he wasn't doing anything he wasn't supposed to. Draco had found this very annoying; the night before, He had gotten in trouble for sitting across from Potter during breakfast. That wasn't even his fault! Potter and Weasley sat themselves there; it wasn't Draco's idea!

Snape had told Lucius about the "incident". He was furious. Draco had received an owl from him, stating that he would be willing to use the cruciatus curse on his own son if he ever touched the Potter boy again. But then again; it wasn't Draco's fault that Har--Potter-- was so terrible at brewing potions. He had to learn somehow! What was Draco supposed to do, sit there and waste his time watching Potter terribly mix the potions and make terrible mistakes? It was just wrong for Snape to react the way he did; it was--disturbing--what Snape had thought was going on. Gag.

Back into reality; Draco returned the glare back to Snape. He curled his lip. Snape straightened out his posture after he had been leaning over Draco's desk with both hands gripping the sides. He looked at Draco from behind his long and hooked nose.

"You didn't seem so brave when you received that owl, did you?" The Head of Slytherin House rebuked, curling his lip farther back. Draco glared deeper, his face draining of all color. Snape smiled cruelly. He wasn't entirely wrong-- when Draco had received the owl, he stopped eating and avoided Potter completely.

"I suggest you get back to the common room now." Snape said, walking to his desk. He sat and pulled out a roll of parchment which he began to scribble on. Draco watched with curiosity. "What are you writing?" He interrogated, his voice trembling. He was extremely worried that Snape was writing a letter to his father. Anxiety built up inside of Draco's chest.

"A letter to your father." Snape responded. Draco's heart stopped. What was he telling him? "About?" Draco interrogated with a trembling voice. He didn't want Lucius to use the cruciatus on him, he had heard it was extremely painful. His father had never really used it on him before, and he certainly didn't want him to start.

"About your progress." Snape answered shortly, continuing to write on the parchment. "I will be telling him of when you sat with Potter during breakfast yesterday."

Draco felt his face flush again. What would he say? Would he send another owl threatening him with something worse than the cruciatus? Draco didn't want to think about it.

"Leave my office now, Draco." Snape commanded cruelly. Draco hesitated before walking towards the office door and exiting.

As he walked through the corridors, Draco thought about what his father would think about him being... well--gay. Not that he was! It was just a thought. (A/N: suuuuuuuuuure Draco. We all know who you're gay for.) He just couldn't think of anything else, it was almost like it was locked somewhere in his head.

Draco imagined his father would use the cruciatus on him more than six times a day after pulling him out of Hogwarts and locking him in and isolated and enclosed prison cell.
His father would never approve of his son being homosexual. He would be ashamed. Draco shivered at the thought.

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