Chapter 23: Didn't You Hear?

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Author Note: Why hello there! First of all, I want to thank you all for 9k+ views!! That's a LOT! Sorry this is late, I've had exams all week😅 anyway without any further adieu, let us begin!!

"Where's Potter?" Draco mumbled, scanning the Great Hall for the awkwardly cute Gryffindor.

Pansy smirked. "Potter? Oh-- didn't you hear about what happened to him?" She played, staring at Draco with an expression like that of a playful kitten.

Draco paused his search for Harry and watched Pansy with questionable eyes.

"What happened?" He quizzed.

Pansy smirked once again and returned her glare back to the Gryffindor table.

"I think you'd better ask him yourself." She suggested, her eyes indicating an irritated-looking Potter, who had just entered the Great Hall.

Draco sighed.

"Why would I ever willingly talk to him?" He sneered, pretending his interest in Potter was nonexistent. As he spoke, he returned his misty eyes back onto his plate, hiding whatever blush might be appearing on his pale cheeks.

Pansy narrowed her eyes, glancing at Potter as he eyed Draco, fury in his bright green eyes. Pansy smiled knowingly. She knew exactly why Potter was upset, and she was quite excited to see what would happen next.

"You're right, Draco. Potter is absolutely revolting." Pansy chimed, smirking.


"Harry, what's wrong?" Hermione gasped, watching with wide eyes as the angry Gryffindor slammed himself onto the shaky bench.

Ron stared, eyeing Harry suspiciously. "I haven't seen you all morning." He announced.

"Yeah, well maybe you would have if I wasn't in detention for the majority of it." He snapped.

Ron flew his hands up. "Okay, geez! How would you expect me to know that? You didn't tell me anything about detention!" He protested, irritation rising in his voice.

Harry gave an exasperated sigh. "I was going to tell you." He said.

Ron rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said, returning his attention back onto his food. "So anyway... what did you do?" He asked, his eyes examining Harry closely. He thought he knew what happened.

"What do you think?" Harry sneered.

Ron and Harry glared at eachother, their eyes looked as if they would explode in any minute.

Hermione watched, her eyes moving back and forth from the two boys as they argued. "What are you two talking about?" She finally asked, feeling left out.

Ron broke his glare from Harry and glanced at Hermione.

"It's not important." He lied.

Hermione watched with a puzzled expression. She had no idea what they were talking about.

"I don't like that you two are hiding something from me." She announced, crossing her arms.

Ron rolled his eyes. "It's none of your business, 'Mione." He said.

Harry glared, and before he could stop himself said, "Well it's none of your business either, is it?" He struck.

Ron's eyes moved from his plate and onto Harry. His eyes sparkled with hurt. The hurt soon burnt into anger, and the tips of his ears turned a dark shade of red.

"You're the one who made it my business!" He snapped, standing from the table and stomping off.

Hermione watched with wide eyes, still very confused.

Harry was fuming.

"Harry, what--" She tried, but was quickly cut off.

"It's enough, Hermione." He growled, standing up as well. He marched out of the Great Hall, his face red from anger.

What was wrong with those two?


Author Note: Happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday to meeeeeee happy birthday to me 🎉

So today's my birthday, I'm officially __ years old!! Ha, you will never know the truth.

Anyway, where I live had really bad weather today and everyone blamed it on me because it's my birthday. There was two tornado warnings, we had to interrupt our exams and sit in the hallway with the really annoying 6th graders (no offense to 6th graders but you guys are annoying))  and then the power went off in our classroom, and everyone blamed it on me again because it was only our classroom that's power went off.

Maybe my birthday really is jinxed. Maybe I'm a Cursed Child *fingerguns* no? No? Ok...

Anyway thank you guys so much for reading and if you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment telling me what you enjoyed about it!! If you enjoy my work, please follow me!! I need just 3 more until 50, so please please pleeease help !!

Anyway, have a nice day! 👍 byee!!

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