Chapter 31: Bad News

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A/N: Before we start this chapter, I just wanted to say: THANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS! ILYG SO MUCH! I might do something like write a bunch of Drarry or some other ship oneshots or something for this special occasion, so let me know what you guys think in the comments. Anyway, without any further adieu, let's get started!


The Golden Trio was walking from the Great Hall after breakfast, their hunger calmed by the delicious food cooked by none other than the friendly house elves living in the Hogwarts kitchens. Ron and Hermione were chatting as Harry was busy locked in his own thoughts. Draco hadn't showed up to mealtime, so the raven-colored hair Gryffindor was beginning to worry. It wasn't like Draco to just miss breakfast without an explanation. 

''Harry, are you alright?'' Hermione asked, waving her hands in front of Harry's bright green eyes. Harry jumped as he was snapped out of his thoughts. 

''Relax, it's just me, Harry!' She said, scanning him closely. ''Is everything alright?'' She questioned.

Harry shrugged.

''Well, don't you think it's kinda weird?'' He quizzed. Hermione rose a brow.

''Think what's 'kinda weird'?'' She asked. Harry sighed.

''That Draco didn't show up to breakfast.'' He mumbled. Hermione smirked.

''Oh, is that what's bothering you?'' She snickered.

Harry nodded.

''Well, yeah. It's not like him to skip mealtime. I don't think he's done it before.'' He said.

''You shouldn't worry, Harry. I'm sure he's off studying in the library or somewhere.'' Hermione suggested.

Harry nodded.

''Yeah, I guess.'' He falsely agreed. He wasn't at all convinced. He didn't know why, but he had a weird feeling in his stomach that maybe something was wrong. 

As the trio passed a corner, something soft hit Harry on the side of his head, causing the boy to flinch. Harry whipped his head to the empty corridor to study what caused the unexpected strike.

''Harry?'' Ron questioned, stopping in his tracks with Hermione beside him. ''Is everything alright?'' He asked. 

Harry scanned the corridor once more before turning back to his two best friends. They watched with worried and puzzled looks, both awaiting an answer. Harry gulped, still wondering what caused the random feeling. After a moments silence, Harry finally decided to reply.

''Er-- you two go on. I'll catch up with you.'' He insisted, rubbing the back of his head. Hermione rose a brow.

''Are you sure?'' She questioned, crossing her arms.

Harry nodded.

''Yeah, I need to--- check something.'' He said. Ron scanned Harry closely before turning to Hermione and nodding.

''We should go. We'll be late for class...'' Ron persuaded, tugging at Hermione's arm. Harry sensed that maybe Ron knew something-- it wasn't like him to be worried about class. Harry guessed that Hermione felt the same way, because she gave Ron a look that read, ''You said that?''.

Hermione finally agreed after a long sigh.

''Alright, fine. But if I were you, Harry, I'd hurry up. Ron's right, class is about to begin.'' She advised, turning from the green-eyed Gryffindor and walking off with the red-headed boy.

Harry sighed before turning to examine the corridor where something soft had hit his head. He looked at the floor and found a crumpled up piece of paper. Curious, Harry picked the wrinkled paper from the ground and opened it up. His green eyes met scratchy handwriting that looked like it had been written in a hurry.

Come find me in the broom closet, quickly.

It read, causing Harry to shiver. Who wrote this strange note? With his spirit still longing for knowledge, the raven-black haired Gryffindor entered the empty corridor and searched for the broom closet. His heart jumped when he finally approached the closet, nervous yet excited for who/what was awaiting him. As he turned the knob and opened the door, Harry's bright green eyes met a pair of misty grey ones. It wasn't long, though, before two hands grabbed Harry and pulled him inside. It was unexpected, and Harry gasped as he heard the closet door shut.

''Draco!'' Harry gasped, still in shock from the sudden movement. ''What was that for?'' He questioned, his voice irritated and his face sneering.

Draco sighed. 

''Look, Harry, I--'' He began, but Harry interrupted.

''Woah, not even an apology? Well, you're a gentleman.'' He joked, smirking as the pale Slytherin began to blush.

''I'm so sorry, I just needed you alone for a minute or two--'' 

''Oh, frisky now, aren't we?'' 

''Shut up, Potter! It isn't like that!''

Harry snickered at the flustered Slytherin, but dropped his snarky smirk as he noticed Draco's serious and upset expression. 

''Is--something wrong?'' He questioned, his voice more serious.

Draco stared into Harry's beautiful green eyes before letting out a long sigh.

''I've so much to tell you...'' He said, causing Harry to begin to worry.

What could possibly be so bad?


A/N: Heeeeyyeoo guys so this was just a short little baby chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway :> Next chapter is DEFINITELY going to be better and longer, so keep your eye out for when I next update. Anyway--- THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS!! I'm actually soooo happy, thank you guys so much!! 




@potterheadO9 !!! owo

This commenter has been a follower of mine for... gah, I can't remember how long, but I'm pretty sure it's been a long while, so everybody clap for this little cinnamon roll because they're awesome!! I really enjoy seeing their comments on my chapters, and if they don't comment, I can always count on them to vote c: And they always have something really sweet to say, and I just-- I love it so much. Thank you for being so supportive, and have a nice day because you are A M A Z I N G. DON'T change yourself for anyone because you're perfect :>


OKAY aaanyway, thank you guys SO much for reading this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :> !! Please remember to vote this chapter if you liked it, and leave a comment if you REALLY liked it and want to be featured on the ''Commenter of the Week'' <3 Seeya guys later, and until next time-- byeeeooo!!! :))

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