Chapter 5

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Hey guys so I really hope all of you are liking my book even though I've only a little, but I'm going to try and make it good!:)



Avery's POV.

My eyes flutter open to the shimmering light of the sun filling the room. I look around to see Hershel sitting beside me, messing with a watch. I coughed to let him know I was awake.

"Well hey there! How you feeling? Carl told about your head yesterday." He said cheery.

"I'm feeling better, I think I just sat up to fast. Do you think maybe I can get up today?"

He gave a slight look of worry but smiled.

"I'm sure you can but let me help you for a few minutes."

I nodded in agreement as he lifted my head slowly. When I was sitting position I swung my legs over onto the side of the bed and tried to stand up but lost balance quickly.

"Woah, easy there." He said. Sounded like he was talking to a damn horse.

"I'm fine." I snarled. "I'm sorry.." I said apologetically.

He nodded and just helped steady me. He led me to the door and opened it for me.

"Thank you, I think I've got it from here."

He gave a little smile and walked towards the kitchen.

I walked outside onto the porch and sat down on a swing. It was peaceful out here. No terrifying shrieks of innocent people and no groans of the dead.

I looked around the front of the farm and saw a few tents set up in the side of the yard. There was a woman hanging up clothes and another talking to a boy. Carl. As soon as we made eye contact he stood up and turned around to give the woman a hug. Must be his mom.

He jogged over and leaned up against the porch rail. He gave me a smile as I did the same.

"Hey Avery, how you feeling?" He asked really friendly.

"Actually I feel a lot better, my head doesn't feel like hell." I said with a shy giggle.

He just laughed then sat down beside me on the swing.

Soon a man I had never met came up to us and sat on the porch steps.

"Hi, you must be Avery." He said with a smile.

"That's me. An your..?"

He gave a bellowing laugh and answered.

"I'm Rick Grimes, Carls dad." Carl must look like his mom because he looks nothing like his dad.

"Well it's nice to meet you Mr. Grimes."

He gave another laugh, " Please, call me Rick."

I nodded and gave him a shy smile.

We sat in silence for a minute until we heard a shout from across the yard.

"RICK!!" The man did not sound happy.

"Please excuse me for a minute." Carl and I both nodded as Rick left the porch.

"Yes, Shane?" I heard Rick ask.

"What have I told you about keeping your boy the hell away from the gun bag!!"

I saw Rick whisper something to whom I'm guessing is Shane before they walk towards a large barn.

I look to Carl to see he's looking down at the ground.

"Carl?" I asked. He seemed embarrassed.

He looked up at me with those gorgeous eyes of his slightly being covered by his shaggy brown hair. He was really cute.

Shut up Avery, you can't like someone in the apocalypse. It'll never happen.

"Sorry, so do you want to come take a walk with me?" He asked.

I felt butterfly's in my stomach and I didn't know why.

"Sure." I said with a smile.

"Cool, well just give me a minute and I will meet you by that fence." He pointed to a wooden fence towards a line of woods.

I nodded as he took off towards the tents I saw earlier and I walked towards the fence.

I sat down on the fence and looked at the beautiful scenery. As I was adoring the view my thoughts were interrupted by an already annoying voice.

"So your Avery." I turned to see a girl about my age standing by a tree.

"Yeah, so?" I asked annoyed. I already didn't like her.

"You know, I was here first so that means Carl is mine." She said as she stalked towards me.

I just rolled my eyes an asked,

"What are you even talking about?"

She was only a few inches from my face till she finally spoke up again.

"I mean, stay away from Carl or your going to regret it.." She said slowly but full of hatred.

"And what if I don't?" I said smirking. She looked hilarious when she was mad.

She looked even more angry now. I started to turn around but before I could I felt her fist hit my jaw and send me flying to the ground.

"What the hell?!" I screamed.

I looked over to see Carl and man with a crossbow running towards us.

"What's going on here?" The man asked.

Carl just stood there, glaring at the girl but his eyes softened when he looked at me. He kneeled down beside me and helped me up.

"She just came up, threatened me, and punched me! I have the red mark to prove it." I said

"Sophia is that true?" The man asked.

Sophia looked so scared like a lost puppy and I could the tears stirring around in her eyes.

"I-I'm-I'm sorry." She said choking on her tears.

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it, Sophia." Carl said through gritted teeth.

With that Sophia moped away, sobbing slightly.

"You sure your okay?" The man asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's not the first time I've been punched." I said laughing

The man laughed along with me but Carl didn't.

"Well I'm Daryl, if you need anything." He told me.

"Thanks." I said as he walked off.

Carl walked quietly along beside me as we walked down the long driveway of the farm, but he soon broke the silence.

"When I heard you scream I thought a walker was attacking you or something."

I looked up at him but he was already staring at me so I turned away quickly.

"Oh." That's all I knew to say.

"I was really scared something happened to you."

Wait. Did he say he was scared because he thought something happened to me.

I looked at him and smiled as he started to blush.

And before anything else was said, he grabbed my hand.

I felt so many butterfly's, until I knew what he was doing.


Oh don't you just LOVE cliffhangers!:) I do! Haha I need more readers guys so share with your friends, love you all!

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