Chapter 19

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Hey guys! Omy god, thank y'all for over 1,000 reads! It means so much!:) Here's Chapter 19!



Avery's POV.

"I think we lost her." I heard a muffled voice say.

My vision was complete darkness. I couldn't feel or move my body, it just tingled.

"No. NO! She can't be gone!" A sobbing voice called out.


I kept hearing him, screaming my name, screaming for me to wake up. I tried to pull my eyes apart but they wouldn't budge, nor would the limbs of my body.

"Carl you know what we have to do."

Shit. They're going to kill me.

"Please! Don't do this!"

A listened to the sound of feet shuffling around, mixing with Carl's cries. Suddenly a voice became clear as day beside my head.

"Avery. Please, if you can hear me, I need you to wake up. Wake up. Please. AVERY! PLEASE WAKE UP!" Carl bellowed in my ear.

More sounds clashed together. Cries, voices, metal clanking, and the last sound scared me the most.

A gun click.

I tried my hardest to pry my eyes open but they felt like the were cemented together.

"Rick, take Carl out. He doesn't need to see this."

No No No No No.

I heard quiet sobs in the cell but they soon drifted away.

I heard Carls cries become softer and softer as Rick drug him out.

Once the cries disappeared, I knew this was the end,

until my vision was occupied by the sunlight.

"Avery? Avery can you hear me?!" I heard the gun hit the cell floor and a hand on my wrist.

"Daddy, I have a pulse!" Maggie squealed.

As my vision started to recover slowly, I was able to see my surrounding.

I was in my cell with Hershel, Maggie, Carol and Beth surrounding me.

"I-can-wa-" I tried to speak but my voice was so hoarse they couldn't understand me.

"Don't talk. Just rest." Hershel said, kneeling beside me.

I nodded and laid my head back on my pillow an fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to my body soaked in sweat. My body was clothed in some of my nike shorts and a tank top an yet I'm still drenched.

I looked around and saw Carl asleep, sitting in a chair beside my bunk. His head laid to the side of the chair, facing me.

His eyes were red and puffy with his cheeks stained with tear marks. His lips were swollen and his hands had cuts an bruises on them.

I strained my voice until I was able to speak.

"C-Carl?" I managed to choke out but it was barely a whisper.

He didn't move so I tried to talk louder.

"C-Ca-Carl." I croaked.

His head shot up immediately as he fumbled from his chair to my aid.

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now