Chapter 12

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Hey guys! So this is the 12th chapter and I hope y'all are enjoying my book! Please read, vote for it and leave comments on what you think! Thanks guys!



Carl's POV.

They had just cleared out a cell block just in time for us to get into the prison.

I laid Avery down on one of the prison beds, letting a tear drop on her cheek.

"Please be okay." I whispered by her ear.

Before I was done I was pushed back by Hershel, Maggie and Carol. They were getting ready to give her blood and stitch her shoulder.

"She's lost alot of blood, we've gotta do a transfusion now." Hershel demanded.

Maggie nodded and started scrambling through the medical bag they found. She pulled out some gauze, bandages, stitches, a needle and more supplies.

I tried to get over to her but Hershel kept pushing me away.

"Son you might want to step out." He said without anger but stern.

"No, I need to stay here with her. I'm not leaving." I protested still trying to get past Hershel but he wouldn't budge.

"I said I think you need to step out!" He said more demanding this time.

"No!" I screamed with tears filling my eyes.

I pushed past Hershel and kneeled down by the bed and grabbed Avery's hand only to be pulled away by Daryl, my mom, and my dad.

"Stop!" I yelled trying to get out of their grasp but it was no use.

"Saige, do you know what blood type she is?" Maggie asked quickly.

Saige couldn't think but finally spit out an answer.

"I-uh- I think it's the same as me, B negative." She said swallowing back some tears.

"Would you be willing to give Avery some blood? She isn't going to make it if we don't do this now." Carol told her.

Saige nodded and sat down beside the bed, pinching her eyes close when the needle was injected into her arm.

I was still crying outside the cell while my dad and Daryl held me back as my mom tried to sooth my screams for Avery.

"Please! I need to be in there with her!" I pleaded.

My mom looked me in the eyes and shook her head.

"Carl, I don't think that's a good idea-" I didn't let her finish by breaking from their graps and ran outside the prison doors.

"Carl!" I heard my mom yell but I didn't turn back.

I ran infront of the prison within the fence surrounding. I paced back in forth underneath a little walkway above me.

I threw my hat to the side and ran my hands through my hair. I was so angry

I screamed at the top of lungs. I had to let off steam. I looked a the wall in front of me and couldn't contain my anger.

I hit it with all my strength even though I knew it was going to hurt like hell.

I looked at my hand to see my knuckles with slits on each finger with blood trickling down them.

"What the hell?! Do they think they have control over me? Shit they may be my parents but they have as much control over me as I have control over them. Absolutely NONE!"

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