Chapter 23

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Revealing the cliffhangerrrr.




Avery's POV.

"Get out of the cell blocks!!" Maggie screeched while running from the cells, being followed by a herd of walkers. It looked close to, double that.

"What the hell?!" I screamed but no one answered. They just pushed us out the cell doors.

"Run!" I heard T-dog yell.

I felt Saige latch onto my arm as we ran toward the gates.

"Nate, Dylan! Get the gates!" I screamed as I slid my pistol out of my boot. I shot as many walkers as I could but they kept tumbling out, one by one and I didn't have many bullets left.

"Shit." As I mumbled to myself, I heard the gate thrashing around as Nate and Dylan tried to unlock it.

"Avery!" I heard them both yell in unison. I sprint towards them searching my surroundings for Saige and Carl. Oh my god.

I slam my feet in a dead stop, burying them into the gravel.

"Carl!!" I scream through the howling wind, but my voice seems to disappear in the mist of the air.

As I tried to squint through the foggy air, Im body slammed to the ground with full force by a walker

"What the fuck?!" I screamed as the walker crawled on me. I held back its arms with my man strength but I wasn't strong enough to hold it much longer

"Leave her alone!" I hear an all too familiar voice yell followed by the sound of a shot. The walker drooling over me suddenly fell limp onto my body. I fling it over to the side and scramble to my feet, waiting for whose lurking in the distance.

A figure appears in the shadows of the fog, revealing who ever just saved me.

"Avery! Are you okay?!" A voice called out, trembling with each word.

"Oh my god, Carl!" I said with tears running down my face.

I pulled him towards me to embrace him in a hug before connecting our lips. His lips were chapped but still soft as they moved with mine, only for him to be pulled away from me,

"There's no time for that! This place is gonna over run if we don't something!" Glenn yelled.

I felt my cheeks shading into a deep red but overlooked it. I grabbed my knife to save some ammo and began stabbing each bastard in my path.

"Nate, did y'all get the gate open?!" I yelled, trying to overpower the wind.

"It's jammed! Someone jacked with the lock!" Dylan yelled back.

I shoved passed him, sliding my knife in the lock, trying to pry it open. I wiggled it constantly but nothing budged. As I attempted to pick the lock, I hear the sound of moans rattling in my ears.

"Shit! Find Rick and get the hell out of here!" I screamed over the commotion of moans and gunfire.

"Dylan, please find Saige!" I yelled, grabbing his arm.

He must have noticed the few stray tears that escaped me eyes since he reached his hand up to catch them from falling. I gave him a small smile as I pushed him towards the prison.

"Nate, please be safe." I said hugging my best friend.

"You too." He said pulling away.

"Go!" I yelled alarmed by the moans growing louder.

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now