Chapter 14

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Hey guys so TWD returns tomorrow..holy sh*t. I'm dead. Anywayys, I cannot stop writing this week. Lol so anyways, Chapter 14!



Authors POV.

It's been 4 days and everything has been quiet at the prison.

Avery has still be in her few day coma but that's about to change..

Avery's POV.

I opened my eyes to see the bottom of a prison bed. I looked around to find I was in some sort of cell. I tried to sit up but fell backwards in pain.

Shit my arm hurts. What the hell? Oh, right. I hurt my shoulder clearing the prison field with Saige.

I took my good arm and felt my shoulder. It had some gauze wrapped around it and what looked like stitches.

I saw someone sitting in a chair outside my cell, just sitting there. I coughed letting the person know I was awake. Immediately the figure jolted from their seat and entered the room.


"Avery? Are you awake? Can you hear me?" She asked frantic.

I nodded for my reply. She sighed with relief and smiled at me. She sat down in the chair beside me while helping me sit up.

"Could I have some water?" I struggled to get out from the pain of my scratchy throat.

She nodded and got me some water from the sink. She handed me the glass of water for me to take a sip. I drank almost all of it before taking a breath. I handed her the glass while leaning my head back on my pillow.

"How long was I out for?"

"About 4 or 5 days. Everyone has been worried sick about you. Especially Carl and Saige. Carl has done nothing but pace around the cell block." Carol told me.

It made me happy that Carl cared.

"Can I get out of bed? I need to eat something and walk around. I can barely feel my legs." I said laughing.

She smiled and laughed with me before helping me out of bed. I put my good arm around her shoulder as I stood up. When I was finally up my legs became weak and I started to fall to the ground.

Carol grabbed my arm before I fell and helped me find my balance. She helped me walk out of the room into the cafeteria.

I saw Saige sitting infront of a girl who had her back to me so I couldn't tell who it was, but she didn't look familiar.

I looked to Saige who was now in a shocked state. I smiled as she started to cry. The girl noticed Saige in tears and turned to face me.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Casey?!" I said almost falling again.

"Oh my god, Avery!" she said squealing.

The both ran up to me, trying to hug me but Carol stopped them.

"Take it easy on her girls! Don't attack her!" She said laughing while blocking me like a body guard.

We all laughed as I hugged both of my best friends with my good arm. We all were crying messes. We three sat at a table at caught up with each other.

While we were talking I saw Glenn and Maggie come through the door from the guard tower. Maggie ran over to me and gave me a easy hug while Glenn stayed back. He didn't talk but he smiled.

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin