Chapter 11

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Hey guys so I got out of school today for bad weather..and nothing's happened, but oh well. Chapter 11!


Avery's POV.

"So do you think there will be a lot of walkers surrounding the fences?" I asked Saige.

We had left out from the camp about 20 minutes ago so we could clear the surrounding as Rick requested.

"I'm pretty sure of it, but we can handle it." She said with a smile.

"Oh because your an amazing shot?" I asked smirking.

"Your damn right I am!" She said laughing, and being the show off she is, she pulls out her pistol and shoots at a walker not to far behind us.

She shoots with full confidence but misses.

I clapped very slowly in a sarcastic manner.

"Bravo!" I said with full sarcasm.

"Shut up!" She said laughing.

After a while of riding and talking we finally came along the prison.

"Wow. This place actually looks-" I was interrupted by Saige reading my thoughts.

"Safe. I know." She replied as shocked as I was.

The prisons fences were still up and secure, nothing looked real worn or damaged. The front gate needs some fixing but that's nothing. If we clear out those walkers, this could actually be our home.

"Okay so here's what we'll do. I see an opening in the fence a little over that way. You go in through that way to clear out the back part of the inner field. I'll go in through main gate and clear out the entrance. There isn't many walkers surrounding so we should just start on the inside. We should be able to get rid of things in atleast 30 to 45 minutes." I assured her.

"Okay, be safe."

I nodded and headed to the front gate as Saige looped around back.

Once I got to the gate I whistled, trying to get most of their attentions so it would be easier for Saige to get in.

"Hey come and get some, you bastards!" I screamed towards them while whistling.

I shot them down, one by one as they kept lining up. It was like a parade of the dead.

I heard shots being fired behind one of the guard towers. Now I know Saige is on the inside.

"Saige! Get around the other guard towers!" I screamed loud enough for her to hear me, but she didn't come.

"Saige!" I yelled again, but no answer.

Okay now I was really worried. I shot down the last few walkers surrounding me and kicked Jango into a run.

I swirled around the guard tower to find Saige when my horse slipped in a pile of muck. Jango went down as I was flung to the opposite side of him.

I hit the wall of the guard tower with my shoulder and the side of my head.

I groaned in pain as I looked up to find a loose fence bouncing around from an ambush of walkers. Almost 100 of them.

"Shiiit." I groaned once more.

I regained balance and jogged to Jango who had made a quick recovery from the slip.

I slid back on, still searching for Saige. As I pulled the reigns to right, I yelped in pain from my shoulder. I looked to see blood seeping through my already damp shirt.

"Saige!" I yelled as loud as I could.

I didn't see or hear anything til I heard a shot coming from behind the herd of walkers.

Saige was already on the inside fence, of the prison, killing them off.

By that time we heard the screech of Daryl's motorcycle as the other cars followed.

We killed off the last few walkers and headed towards the main gate to everyone else.

"You girls alright?" Daryl asked.

We both nodded even though I wasn't fine, Saige just didn't know that.

We both got off our horses and walker over to the group discussing the plan to retrieve a cell block inside.

"Okay so since Avery and Saige already cleared out the surrounding field and the inside it's going to be a lot easier to get in-" Rick told us but I zoned out because of my shoulder throbbing.

I rubbed my shoulder easily so no one would suspect anything. No one could tell I was bleeding because of my black shirt and sweat.

I stood listening to Rick as Carl walker up and snaked his arm around my waist.

"Hey you alright?" He whispered while smiling.

I nodded as I smiled back at him.

As I was massaging my shoulder I started feeling really lightheaded. I stumbled a little into Csrls side and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Avery, you okay?" He asked again but this time worried.

He put his hand on my cheek as I mumbled,


My vision starting blurring and the next thing I know I'm falling backwards into Carls arms.

"Hershel we need help!" I heard Carl yell.

I couldn't see anything but i still could hear.

"What's wrong?" Hershel asked.

I felt Carl moving me, looking for my wound.

"There! Her shoulder." He replied while his voice cracked.

"Omy god! Why didn't she tell me she was hurt!" Saige screamed.

I felt my body being lifted into someone's arms. Carl's arms.

"Get her into the bed of the truck, hurry!" I heard Hershel yell.

"We'll clear out a cell block as fast as we can to get her inside, might be medical supplies in there." I heard Rick yell.

I heard feet running the opposite direction of me while I was laid in the truck. All I felt was a
sharp pain in my shoulder and Carl say,

"Please save her." It sounded like he was crying.

Then I blacked out.


Hey guys! Sorry this is a shorter chapter but I'm doing the best I can. Okay so I hope you guys like it and I love you all! Please help me get more readers!:)

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