Chapter 10

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Hey guys so like.. I cannot stop writing this weekend. I don't know what's gotten into me! And I'm only a few reads away from 100! This is great! But here is chapter 10!



Avery's POV.

"I think I'm going to name him Jango." Referring to my gorgeous horse.

We were all heading back to the group since we were gone a little longer than planned.

"I love that name! I think i'll name mine Smoky!" Saige exclaimed.

I laughed in return to Saige.

After a bit Saige decided it would be fun to have a little race to see who would make it back first.

"You know I'm gonna kick your ass." I said winking at Saige.

"Oh your on!" And with that she breaks out into a dead run

Trying not to lose I did the same, finally catching up to her.

I felt Carls hands slowly wrap to the sides of my waist.

I turned back to find him turning pink.

"Sorry there isn't a place to hold onto on this thing."

I laughed at his remark and just went on with the race.

"I totally won!" Saige yelled.

"In your dreams!" I laughed harder than I should have. Even Carl was laughing.

We returned to the group still searching through all the cars.

"Mom, is Dad and Daryl still gone?" Carl asked Lori.

She nodded and continued her conversation with Carol.

We shrugged as Carl stayed with his mom so Saige and I galloped over to Hershel and Maggie.

"Hershel!" I hollered, startling him a little bit.

"Well hey there. My, aren't these some beauty's." He motioned at the horses.

"Is there anyway we can keep them? Pleaseeee!" I said with my big brown eyes.

He sighed with a smile.

" I don't see why not."

The eyes work every time.

We both squealed while giving Hershel the biggest bear hug of his life.

For awhile we all just sat around and talked amongst ourselves while Rick and Daryl were gone.

I noticed Lori whisper something to Carol before leaving the group and getting in the backseat of one of the cars.

It's probably just a headache.

"Hershel they're back!" Carl yelled from across the road, signaling to Rick and Daryl's return.

We all gathered around to hear what they had found.

"Alright while traveling down that train track over there, we saw a prison only a couple miles from here. It still looks secure, the fences are still up and looks like it hasn't been used." Rick informed us.

The group was whispering to each other wondering if this was a good idea.

"So is that where we're going to stay?" I asked with concern.

Before Rick could answer Daryl spoke up.

"In my opinion it looks like one hell of a safe haven."

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang