Chapter 26

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Hey guys, let's get to it!



Carl's POV.

"Of course the truck had to break down a mile away from the prison." T-dog complained.

"At least it didn't stop back at the store." My dad reminded him.

He gave out a huff at his reminder and kept quiet.

"Besides, we're almost to the prison. I can see one of the guard towers." Rick said.

My dad and I started into a jog as T-dog and Maggie did the same.

"Maggie, did you get all the bags from the truck?" I asked, turning my head to her as I ran.

"Yeah. It wasn't much so I couldn't forget anything." She shrugged.

I nodded and faced the road infront of me. The only sound in the night was the sound of our feet, running along the paved road.

The prison was becoming closer every step we took. I could see the main gate and the shed, where we keep the horses, close to it.

While running we heard the crunch of leaves around us. We all stopped and we each faced a different direction.

"Kill as many as you can, quietly as you can. We don't need to attract attention to ourselves." My dad whispered as we all pulled out our knives.


"Damn, there were more walkers than I expected!" I laughed as I pulled my knife out of one of the heads.

We were coming up on the gates of the prison.

"Watch your mouth." My dad said, inhaling a deep breath.

"Really," I said stopping to look at him. "Your seriously getting upset over me saying damn?"

"I said, watch your mouth." He drew out his words in a serious tone.

"Fine." I said, ending the conversation.

"Thank god, we're back at the prison." Maggie sighed in relief.

"Here I'll get the gates." I told them.

I started to jog to the gate when my arm was pulled backwards, pulling me to the ground.

"Get down!" My dad whisper yelled.

All of them fell to the ground in a flash, hiding behind a bush as my dad yanked my arm, pulling behind a tree.

"Dad, what the-" my dad silenced me by putting his hand over my mouth.

Jerking my head away, I peaked around the tree and looked towards the prison fences.

"Woodbury." My dad whispered.

Trucks lined all around the front fences, men with all kinds of guns everywhere. There was one car on the inside of the gates, parked by the horse shed.

"Carl!" My dad tried to scold me as I ran to another tree to get a closer look.

I squinted my eyes, looking harder at the horse shed. There were two figures in the shed but I couldn't make out who they were.

One person is just standing behind the other, while the other is...singing? Singing.....


"Head through the back!" My dad said running, pulling me up with him.

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now