Chapter 20

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Hey guys! I hope your all enjoying my book! I've been like, super busy so I'm trying to write as much as I can! Here's Chapter 20!



Carl's POV.

Her face dropped immediately after I spoke. She turned on her side and pulled the covers over her body.

"I think you need to leave.." She told me quietly.

"But, Avery I-"

"That means GET OUT!" She yelled.

I didn't want to push things further, so I left her to be alone. I slipped out of my chair and walked to the door. Before I walked out, I heard the soft sniffle of her crying.

God I'm such an idiot.

I turned down the hallway and walked out the doors over to the patio. My dad and the others put out some benches for us to eat on.

I sat on one of the tables, rustling my hair in frustration. I threw my hat in the opposite direction of me as I tried to figure out how I was going to fix this.

While thoughts kept jumbling together, I heard the creek of the prison door, revealing a person.


She slowly stalked towards me and leaned on the fence beside the table.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked with disgust.

She mumbled something to herself as she groaned.

"Are you seriously still spazzing over that? It was a kiss, I'm sorry okay?" She said with a roll of her eyes.

I hopped off the table and started walking to the fence. As I reached the gate I saw the lock was jammed so I was stuck inside.

I walked over to prison door and was about to slide it open when Casey flipped.

"Okay stop! Look I said I was sorry, whats it gonna take for me to be forgiven." She spit at me.

"Stay out of my damn life, and stay out of Avery's too. I haven't liked you from the start and Avery is to blinded by y'all's friendship to see who you really are, which is a bitch!" I screamed.

I slid open the door, leaving Casey confused. I turned to face her and spoke before I walked inside.

"She already knows..your screwed."

"Fuck you, Grimes!" She spat at me as the door slammed shut.

---------------( 2 weeks later)-----------

Avery's POV.

"Hershelllll." I whined.

Hershel came into my cell, but he was hobbling on crutches.

"Oh my god. Hershel what happened?!" I asked worried.

He sat down as he laughed at my reaction.

"Got bit, but Rick saved me. Cut off my leg before it spread throughout my body."

I sighed with relief, knowing he was okay.

"Oh, good. you had me worried! Anyways, do you think I can get up today. I feel like I have more strength now."

He shifted a little in his chair while debating if I should get up or not. Time to bring out.. The eyes.

"Please, Hershel." I said, sticking out my bottom lip slightly.

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now