Chapter 15

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So is it bad I've wrote like 4 days in a row? Haha anyways, Chapter 15!



Avery's POV.

"What the fuck do you mean I can't stay here?!" I heard a voice yell in a whisper.

I jolted up out of bed causing me to bump my head on the bottom of the top bunk. I looked around as I rubbed my now throbbing head.

It was the middle of the night, who would be having a conversation now.

I slid on some socks to cover my freezing feet. It's in the middle of fall and I'm in a tank top with shorts..real smart Avery.

I stepped outside my cell and peeked into Carl's, whose cell was beside mine. He was asleep so wasn't him. I walked over to the railing and peered over the side, trying not to be noticed.

I saw Rick and Daryl standing there with a girl.


"You have been nothing but a smart-ass ever since Carl found you. You have not done anything to try and make your keep an you certainly have not tried to show me that you deserve to stay here. You get two more weeks here and then your gone, and that's final." Rick said without another word.

What the hell?

I was still peeking over the railing when my hand slid across the rail and made a clank noise. Shit.

I saw Daryl look at me so I darted to my cell while hearing his feet clomp up the stairs.

I jumped into my bed and tried to make it look like I was sleeping. I felt the air on my face from my curtain being whipped open. I peeked one eye open to see Daryl staring at me.

He gave me a little smirk before sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I know it was you, and I know your not asleep." He said while tickling my foot.

I kicked his leg from him tickling me and shot up while giggling. He just looked at me but started chuckling too. Daryl was like a father to me.

"Daryl, why can't Casey stay?" I asked quietly, trying not to be overheard.

He sighed with his reply,

"It's not really my decision if she stays. Rick just tells me that she isn't doing her keep and that she's a smart-ass who is a threat."

I couldn't believe what I just heard.

"She isn't a threat!" I said a little louder than I should have.

I saw Rick pull my curtains open immediately after I spoke. Was he eas-dropping?

"Daryl, can I speak with you?" Rick said calmly.

Daryl nodded and stepped outside of my cell to speak with him. I heard the slight mumbles of both men but couldn't make out what they were saying but by that time I was already asleep.

***That morning***

"Avery?" I heard a faint voice say. It sounded deep.

"Avery, you awake?"


I sat up while rubbing my eyes. I looked to see him standing in my doorway with my curtain pulled back. He stared at me for a second but started laughing.

"What?" I said smiling at him.

He grabbed the little mirror I had off my dresser and put it in my hands. I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was an absolutely rats nest.

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now