Chapter 22

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Hey babes! Chapter 22, enjoy!



Carls POV.

"Nate?" I looked over to Avery with her eyes wide with surprise.

"Avery..?" He asked stepping forward from his horse.

"Omy god, Nate!" She squealed as she ran to him, leaping into his arms.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Saige.

"That's our friend Nate, him and Avery were best friends in school. They were practically conjoined in the hip!" She said laughing.

I looked back up to Avery with her head nuzzled into his neck as he swung her around.

"I can't believe your alive!" She laughed.

"Well then believe it!" He said as he put her down.

I already didn't like him. Avery laughed then looked over at Dylan.

"Hey, you look familiar?" She said.

"I went to school with you guys, we just weren't good friends." He chuckled.

"Wait. You were they kid who always wanted Nate to challenge you on Mario Kart!" She said laughing.

"As ashamed as I am, yes, that was me" Dylan chuckled.

The three started walking towards us, and of course, Avery by Nate.

"Rick this is my friend Nate and his buddy Dylan. Nate was my best growing up. Can they stay with us?" She asked.

I looked to my dad, begging with my eyes that he says no. He looked away from my gaze as he searched for any flaws in the two guys.

"Number of walkers you killed?" My dad asked.

They both started laughing as we all stood confused.

"Walkers? That's what you call them?" Dylan said through laughs.

Daryl stepped beside my dad, raising his crossbow slightly.

"Yeah. Got a better name for the bastards?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"Actually, we just call them bastards. From all the people we've seen, we've heard a different name everytime. This is the first time we heard someone call them a walker, but I think that's the best name for them by far!" Nate said laughing, causing Avery to giggle with him.


Nate's eyes shifted over to Saige as a grin spread across his face.

"Saige?" He asked while walking towards her.

"Finally you came to your senses and recognized me!" She said laughing as she hugged him.

"I'll be inside." I mumbled passing my dad.

He nodded as I kept walking. I clicked the lock open and slung it to the side as I pushed the gates open.

I walked inside the field, passing Carol and my mom on the way up.

"Carl. Carl stop." My mom said. I tried to ignore her, but she kept on me.

"Carl Grimes, I said stop!"

I stopped and turned to her with my head hanging low.

"Who are they?" She asked nodded her head towards Dylan and Nate.

"The new additions." I said as the words tasting like vinegar spilled from my mouth.


Avery's POV.

I watched as Carl stalked back up to the prison, not saying a word to anyone.

What's going on with him?

"So Rick, can they stay?" I asked Rick as Dylan and Nate were talking with Saige.

"Well as long as they don't cause any trouble. That's just what we need." He said uneasy.

"I promise. I'll make sure they stick by the rules." I said with wink.

Surprisingly I saw a smile creep up on his lips.

I turned around to my three friends as Rick and Daryl pulled the truck inside the gates.

"Great news! You guys can stay!" I cheered.

Dylan and Nate did a chest bump as they ran to me, throwing me over their shoulders.

"Guys put me down! Saige, help me!" I said laughing.

After a while of fighting my way off their shoulders, we led their horses over to where me and Saige kept ours.

"Nate, Dylan, looks like your horses won't be alone." I said signaling to Jango and Smoky.

"These are some nice horses. Where did ya find them?" Dylan asked Saige.

I looked over to Saige where her cheeks were turning a bright red. I gave her a little wink which caused her to giggle.

"Um-we-uh." Saige stuttered to find her words.

"We found them a month or two back, at some house back by the highway." I told them.

They both nodded as Saige looked everywhere but at Dylan.

"Well c'mon! I bet you guys are starving!" I said as I started making my way to the prison.

As we were walking I stepped behind a little, pulling Saige with me.

"You know, with you turning as red as a tomato, it's pretty noticeable you have a thing for him." I said with a smirk.

"If you don't shut up, im gonna hurt you." She said trying to cover my mouth.

As we laughed, we made our way back up to the prison with Dylan and Nate. When we walked through the doors, we were stopped dead in our tracks, by a horrifying sight.


Hey guys! Sorry about the wait and yes I know it's a shorter update but this is just a little bit of a filler chapter.

So guys, thank you so much for over 2k reads! This awesome!!

Okay so it's 6 days til my birthday. Holy  shit. Hollaaaaa.

Lol thanks guys, I love my walkers!

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