Chapter 16

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Hey guys...Things about to throw down in this chapter! Hope your ready for it! Here it is, Chapter 16!



Avery's POV.

"Holy shit." I thought I myself

I saw an evil grin slowly creeping up onto her face. She looked me with a hard eyes that had no soul. What happened to her?

"We'll if isn't little Miss Big Talk." She said smirking at me.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

The man infront of the group pulled her aside and looked at her confused.

"You know this girl?" He asked her.

"Oh yeah, she is my bitch of a sister." She said crossing her arms on her chest.

The man raised his eyebrow and stood there quietly for a minute before pulling two guys from behind him to whisper in their ears.

After he spoke with them they nodded and whispered the same thing to Elena. Elena started laughing while looking straight at me. I knew that wasn't a good sign.

"Perfect." I heard her whisper back.

Both men walked back over to the leader, each by his sides. They all whispered among their group about something but I couldn't hear.

Finally they all turned to us with a serious expression.

"So I hear your the prison gang." The man said.

"That's right." Carl snapped.

The man chuckled a bit before asking,

"Well where's the rest of your group?" He said in a sarcastic tone.

Carl didn't speak for a minute. I looked over at him to see a shocked an alarmed expression on his face, which soon turned into a half smile.

"Why don't you look behind you?" He said just as sarcastic.

The whole group froze and slowly turned to face what lied behind them. As the leader turned back, Daryl slid around behind and put him in choke hold with the string of his bow. I saw the others running from all different shelves, attacking each individual of the mysterious group.

"Get out of here, now!" I heard Rick yell. I grabbed all my things and made sure Carl and Saige were behind me.

"Let's go!" I said tugging on both their arms.

I could hear items falling from the shelves as people collapsed into them. Gunshots and the sound glass shattering filled my ears. I looked in all directions but didn't recognize this part of the store.

The gunfires went quiet so I tried to be quiet.

"Do one of you recognize what part of the store we're in?" I asked both of them but the both shook their heads no.

I huffed and just kept walking but stopped from the sound of a person in front of us. I ducked behind a clothes rack, signaling Saige and Carl to do the same.

Carl jumped behind the same clothes rack with me as Saige hid behind a low shelf a few feet away. I could near muffled voices outside the building but on the inside it was quiet, to quiet.

I heard the feet shuffling around but stop close to the clothes rack where I was hidden. I held my breath so I wouldn't be heard and listened. The feet moved slowly down the aisle to which it looked like they were searching for something.

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu