Chapter 21

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Hey guys! Ugh this week..this week has been awful, but when I write I feel better so here comes Chapter 21!



Casey's POV.

God that bitch.

I'm pretty sure my nose is broken. I lifted my hand up to my nose to feel it out of place with blood running from it.

"Just fucking great." I mumbled.

I slid myself towards the wall of the tower and wiped my blood with the sleeve of my shirt. I looked towards the prison to see Avery having a screaming fit.

Come on. It was one kiss, I mean I told her I was sorry, but she ain't the only one who's got their eye on him.

After Avery stopped hollering, I heard the prison door close with a slam. It became silent, actually, peaceful. Except for the sound of the dead moaning.

Wow, I just realized that their moans sound like they're in the middle of a sex tape.

I start laughing at my own comment.

"Man, I crack myself up." I laughed to myself.

I sat outside the rest of the afternoon , counting how many walkers were lined up at the fence. When the sun was hidden and it became night, I heard the gate opening mixed with the sound of gravel scraping beneath people's shoes.

"Hey Casey." I heard Daryl say.

I turned towards them to see them in a little group. Avery stepped forward with a stupid smirk on her face.

"Got a second?" I could practically hear the venom in her voice.

I stood up from the ground and held my hands up in surrender.

"What? Wanna blacken eye to match my bruised nose?" I asked sarcastically.

"Ha-Ha." She said disgusted with me.

"Look, just follow us." Rick told me.

I saw Avery smirk at Carl when he intertwined his fingers with hers. I looked over to Saige and Daryl who were both glaring at me.

What the hell?

I walked behind them as they walked to a truck. They all stopped at the truck and started to get in.

Daryl got in the drivers seat as Avery, Carl, and Saige got in the bed of the truck.

Rick reached in the passenger seat and pulled something out. He swung around and pinned me to the truck, tying my hands behind my back.

"What the fuck?! Let me go, you prick!" I screamed at him.

He grabbed my arms and led me around to the back of the truck and lifted me inside.

He slid me in the back with Carl, Avery, and Saige while putting a blindfold on me.

"Damn it, Rick! I said let me go!" I yelled.

Once the blindfold was tied, I heard the roar of the truck engine as he got inside. The truck flung forward, causing me to slip into the side of the truck.

"Fuck! Take this piece shit off me now!" I yelled.

I felt a few hands grab me and help me into a sitting position.

"Thanks, but I asked for you to get this cloth off my eyes." I said harshly.

I got no answer so I just huffed and slid back and laid against the tailgate. We've been driving for a while now and we haven't stopped.

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now