Chapter 7

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Here's chapter 7!


Avery's POV.

"Okay we're back at the highway, and just what I thought. They aren't here." T-dog snarled, referring to Carls orders earlier.

"Just wait. They'll come..they have too." Carl said somewhat, hopeless.

I look at Carl with sympathetic eyes, assuring him they'll come.

Carl slouched back in the seat and leaned his head up against the window so I decided not to push things any further.

After a few hours of silence, we heard the sound of a motorcycle, roaring and screeching down the road ahead of us.

"That's Daryl's motorcycle!" Beth shrieked in joy.

We saw Daryl come up behind some tipped cars, slowing his motorcycle to scope out the surrounding.

T-dog honked the horn of the car as Beth, Carl and I waved our hands out the window.

As soon as Daryl spotted us, he drove over to us with 2 cars following him.

We all got out of cars and exchanged hugs and smiles. I looked to Carl who was in his parents deep embrace.

I smiled knowing Carl was happy. I walked over to where Beth was talking to Hershel, and young woman a little older than Beth, a Asian guy, and another woman.

"Oh Avery, this my sister Maggie and her-" she let out a small giggle "her boyfriend."

All Maggie did was roll her eyes and blushed.

I looked over to the woman I had never met before. She had tears streaming down her face.

"Are you alright?" I asked her trying to comfort her.

"My daughter-she-I couldn't find her-she is-awe Sophia." The woman started to break down into tears, dropping to her knees.

"Carol!" Maggie exclaimed worried.

She ran over and ran her hand over the woman's back. Trying to quiet her cries.

After she had stopped crying, Carol looked at me and asked,

"Can you tell Carl about Sophia? I know they were good friends in school and I just handle talking about her yet."

I nodded and walked over to Carl while boots clacked along the rocky pavement.

I saw Carl sitting in the bed of a truck, fiddling with his fingers.

Is he going to upset? Is he going to cry? Did he like her? What will his reaction be? Should I really tell him?

I decided I have to tell him, I couldn't keep this from him.

"Hey Carl, can I talk to you?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, sure." He smiled when he looked at me. I hate to ruin that.

I slid into the back of the truck beside him and pulled my knees up.

"Look, uh, Sophia, didn't-didn't make it away from the farm." I said slightly whispering, I didn't want Carol to over hear me.

His face lost all emotion that I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He looked down to the ground before asking,

"Is she dead?" He asked calmly.

"I don't know. All I know is they couldn't find her."

Carl nodded and looked away as he laid back.

Grimes. I like that name.. (Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now