Chapter 8

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So guys I'm double updating today, whoop whoop! Lol anyways, enjoy!



Avery's POV.

The farm was over run a few days back and now we have been on the road ever since then.

Not really stopping anywhere to rest, we just kept on driving. We're in great need of more food, water, supplies because have absolutely nothing.

We're all starving and cranky but Carl seems to somehow always make me smile even though we're all going through hell right now.

We have three cars and a motorcycle going down the road. Me, Carl, Rick, and Lori are in the first car behind Daryl. Beth, Hershel, and Carol behind us with T-Dog, Glenn and Maggie following.

It's gotten a lot colder over the few days so we've all had to sleep in the cars and for our safety.

We're driving down the road trying to find a new place to hold out for awhile and I'm really worried that we won't find our safe haven.

My thoughts were interrupted by Carl attempting to tell me a lame joke.

"Hey Avery, wanna know where cows go on Friday nights?" He smirked.

I was laughing already knowing he is going to have some cheesy answer.

"Oh god, where?" Still laughing throughout my words.

"To the mooovies." He said grinning from ear to ear.

"Your so lame!" I teased as I knocked his sheriff hat off his head and took it into my grasp.

"Hey give me that!" He laughed wrestling me for just hat.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna keep it." I said giving him a little wink.

I plop it on my head only for it to cover my eyes.

I looked over to Carl doubling over

in laughter.

"You've got a small head!" He said laughing me.

"Hey my head is normal sized, you just have a fat head." I said smirking at my own comment.

We both just leaned back in laughter while Rick and Lori had a conversation of their own in the front.

After we calmed down we just closed our eyes and tried to rest but only to be disturbed by the sound of a girl on the road infront of us.

"Help! Please! Hey, please stop!" I hear a young voice yell. Poor girl, all alone.

I look out the window to see a girl running to car as Rick kept on driving.

I looked closely at the girl and could have recognized her anywhere.

"Rick stop the car." I said.

"Avery, we've talked about this, we can't just pick people up of th-"

"Rick stop the damn car!" I demanded.

Rick slammed on the brakes as I opened my door.

I got out of the girl and saw the girl running from behind us, noticing we stopped.

"Hey! Please don't leave!" She hollered in request.

I walked slowly in shock towards girl just to realize it was really her.

She stopped when she was a few feet from me. Doubling over her knees, trying to catch her breath.

"Saige..?" I managed to choke out.

The girl immediately stood up straight in pure shock.

She walked a little closer to me, shedding a smile.

"Avery, is that really you?" She said crying.

I felt my eyes start to water with tears streaming down my warm cheeks.

I couldn't speak, I just walked up to her and hugged her. I was hugging my best friend.

I could see everyone smiling infront of me. Even Carol was smiling. That's the first I've seen her smile since back at the farm before it was over run.

We finally ended our hug fest but we were still crying with happiness.

"I thought you were dead." I admitted to her.

"Girl you thought I was dead?! Shoot I was on my horse riding all over this county killing those bastards one by one! Down they goooo!"

I laughed realizing how much I had missed my best friend with her odd humor.

"God I missed you so much!" I said still laughing!

"I missed you more!" She replied.

"I've got to introduce you to everyone! You have to stay with us now!" I squealed.

"Oh thank goodness! I'm in deep need of a group." Saige sighed in relief.

"Well now you have one!" I have her a reassuring smile.

"Hey I see that boy over there, our age?" She asked.

I nodded.

"But hey, my eyes already on him." I winked.

"Oh girl, got you a man." She smirked while teasing me.

"Oh hush!" I said laughing.

I grabbed her hand a leaded her over to the rest of the group.

"Guys, this is my best friend Saige." I signaled to Saige.

"Hey guys!" She said with her southern accent topping off her personality. We were so much alike.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked calmly.

"Well, plenty to show that I'm a good shot!" I laughed at her answer, knowing she'd say something to lighten the mood.

"Killed any people?"

Saige's face dropped. She she sighed and nodded.

"Only my parents, when they turned."

I put my arm on her back telling her it's okay.

I looked up to Rick with my famous pleading eyes.

Rick soon gave in with a smile.

"Well I don't see reason she can't stay with us." He replied.

I squealed excitedly while hugging Saige, almost choking her but she didn't complain.

I now have my best friend with me to survive through this. I also have Carl.

While Saige exchanged hellos with the rest of the group I stood watching her make friends with everyone.

I felt a hand on my back and to my surprise it's Carl.

"I'm glad you found your best friend, that must feel amazing." He smiled

I returned the smile with my reply,

"Yeah, it does."

I felt his breath close to my ear as his hand connects with mine.

"Just don't forget about me." He said winking.

We then soon walked back over

to the group, hand in hand.


Hey guys so hope you enjoy this update! I'm getting close to 100 reads so please help me get there! Love you guys!

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