Chapter 6

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Hey guys so time to reveal the cliffhanger! Hope you like it!:)


Carl grabbed my hand and tackled me to the ground and pulled me behind a bush.

"Walkers!!" He shouted to the farm.

I heard muffled voices swirling through my ears, knowing this wasn't going to end well.

"Carl what are we goin-" I was stopped mid sentence by Carl putting his finer to my lips, then slowly to his.

He leaned over to me and whispered into my ear, "Avery, your going to have to trust me."

I looked up to him holding out his hand. I took a deep breath and intertwined my fingers with his.

We slowly rose from behind the bush and darted around the gate towards the barn. We were almost to the barn til I was jerked from Carls hand.

I was slowly pulled backwards by one of those things. I turned around, face to face with the walker. Blood dripping from his decaying body.

I held him back with what arm strength I had but it just wasn't enough. I fell backwards as the walker fell on top of me. I now lay on the ground struggling for my life.

"Carl!" I screamed in terror.

Carl turned around with fear struck eyes.

He pulled a gun out of his holster and shot the bastard and killed him just in time.

I flung the walker over to the side and got of the ground and run to Carl.

"You alright?" He said truly terrified.

"Yeah, let's just go." I said.

When we reached the barn we pulled the giant doors open only to fall back in shock.

Almost 50 walkers gathered in that barn, 50 walkers who had been trapped in there, 50 walkers who were moaning in hunger.

We stumbled backwards trying to get away as I slit my hand with a shard of glass.

"Shit!" I cried out.

Carl slid over to me, quickly examining my wound.

"Oh god, are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded even though it felt like I just impaled my hand with a spear.

He grabbed my other hand and we darted towards A car rolling down the driveway.

"Wait!" We both yelled in unison.

The car jolted to a stop for us to jump in.

"T-dog, did you see my dad?!" Carl asked worried.

"Carl I-" he couldn't finish from Carl interrupting him.

"Did, you see, my dad?!" Carl was furious now.

"Last time I saw him he was with Hershel and Carol." He finally answered.

Carl slumped back in the seat and put his hands over his face.

"Carl it's going to be alright, I swear to you." I assured him.

I slowly lifted my hand to his and slithered my fingers in with his.

He tensed up for a second but then relaxed, with his hand still resting in the palm of mine.

We sat in silence in the car. Carl and I in the back, T-dog driving, and young looking blonde girl. She looked just a little than me and Carl.

"Beth, you okay?" Carl asked, leaning in between the front seat.

She nodded while choking on her sobs.

"I just hope my dad is okay." She quietly said.

After awhile, T-dog spoke up,

"Okay, we are going to head to the coast."

Me and Carl looked at each other in confusion.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"It's the safest place to go." He said

I looked to Carl who was still confused but mad.

"Um, no we are going back to the highway to find the others, that's where they would go." He said sternly.

T-dog didn't speak for a second but then spit back a comment.

"Listen it's the safest place in this shit hole of a world." He said.

Carls eyes were blazing with anger. He kinda looked hot when he was mad.

"What the hell?! No! We are going back to the highway! Now turn the damn car around!" He yelled.

T-dog slammed on the brakes with full force and stopped the car. He turned around a smacked Carl across the face.

"What the hell T-dog!" I screamed.

He had realized what he'd done and just slowly slid back into his seat and turned the car around.


Not my best chapter but hey, I'm sick and just haven't had time to write. Anyways need more readers!:) love you guys!

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