Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Lilian's POV

I was able to walk around now. Everybody knows me and Carl are engaged now. I smiled to myself.

I walked outside and walked over to my motorcycle that dad got me. Dad came out and got on his. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded.

I got on mine and started driving. We went to the mall and snuck past some walkers. We ran in and grabbed the stuff we needed. I walked over and found a solar powered tv and DVD player. I smirked and grabbed them and some movies. I ran outside beside dad. I hooked up everything to a cart we had on the back of our motorcycles.

We drive back to the prison. Maggie opened the gate. We got out and carried the stuff in. I kept smiling to myself. "Hey everyone come in here and check out what Lilian found.!!" Dad yelled.

Everyone came in. I took out the tv and DVD player smirking. Everyone gasped. "Their solar powered so we don't have to plug them in anywhere." I said.

I looked around and saw everyone smiling. I looked at Judith who was asleep in Carls arms and smiled. Carl came over and kisses me softly. I kissed back and kissed Judith's cheek softly.

We put the tv and DVD player in the 'family room' and just sat around and watched movies. I played with Judith while everyone was watching the movies.

Everyone is worried about me because I've been acting weird lately. I just don't know why. I've been feeling tired lately. I started breathing fast leaning up against the wall. I ran out of the room and puked outside.

Maggie followed me and rubbed my back. "Lilian you okay?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Maggie I hate to say this but I think I-I'm pregnant." I said shaking. (A/N: I know it's too early and stuff but I got bored😂)

Maggie looked at me and nodded. She hugged me and helped me up. "It's okay." She said. We walked inside and everyone looked at us.

"She's fine." Maggie said. I sighed in relief. I went over and brushed my teeth really fast and went and sat over beside Carl. Maggie looked over and I nodded. I fell asleep in the middle of the movie.


Maggie's POV.

After the movies Carl took Lilian to their cell. Everyone went to the cafeteria. I'm the only one who knows about Lilian's secret. I'm scared and worried.

"Okay, their is something wrong with Lilian. I want to know what it is. We are all worried." Rick said looking at me. I bit my lip and everyone looked at me.

Carl came in holding a now awake Lilian. Everyone looked at Lilian."Lilian. You need to tell us what's wrong. Maggie won't tell us." Kaleb said. Lilian looked at everyone.

"I'm pregnant." She mumbled. Everyone was in shock. Carl had a pained look on his face.

Tears fell down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away. Carl took Lilian back to their cell


Lilian's POV

I stayed quiet. Carl looked at me and kissed my cheek. I looked at him.

"Whatever you want I'll be here through everything. I promise." He whispered. I smiled a little.

"Thanks. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before." I whispered looking down. He pulled my chin up and kissed me and I kissed back. I laid my head and fell asleep.


Carls POV

I smiled to myself. I let Lilian sleep. I played with her hair thinking of the baby. I bent down softly and kissed her stomach softly. I laid her down and put my head on her stomach softly.

I fell asleep like that. I wrapped my arms around her waist sleeping and kept my head where it's at.

It felt like I was asleep for the whole night. I heard a flash. I opened my eyes to find dad, Daryl, Andrea and Maggie taking pictures smiling.

Lilian woke up and threw a pillow at them. "Let me sleep." She mumbles and giggled and fell asleep.

Everyone smiled and left. I went back to sleep smiling.

I love you forever. (A carl grimes love story)Where stories live. Discover now