Whats Love Got to do With it? (12)

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Yes I know its been a while, and yes I also know its short. I've been dealing with a lot of personal crap lately which have included hospital visits, police visits, and the dissolution of certain familial relationships, so if you wanna bitch find someone else to listen cause I honestly can't deal with it right now.

On a lighter note, I will be finishing this story soon, like four more chaps and then its finito! Then i will be focusing on that bastard got me preggos and tamper proof. Hopefully things in my life will calm down a bit and I'll be able to write more and post more often! Ok, so enjoy and I promise next chap will be more interesting, it'll be the bachelorette party.

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Chapter 12

"Oh god, he's leaking again, why is he leaking?!? Quick Ezra, run and get some cotton balls, maybe we can plug up the holes!" I whined, as a slimy yellow liquid seeped out of Rocky's nostrils. Oh god, please tell me I didnt accidentally poison him or something?!? Yeah the kid got on my nerves, but I never wanted to kill him, maybe slap him around a bit, but not kill him. Crap, Rafaella is never going to forgive me!

"Everyone just calm down, I've got it under control." Cara snapped from beside me as she wiped the glowing goo from Rocky's face before it dribbled into his mouth. I shuddered, no offense to babies or those people who have calanders of them, but they are gross.... really, really gross.

"There, he's all set. All we have to do is put him to bed and he'll be done for the night. Ezra, will you put him in his crib while Carmella and I clean up?" Ezra looked warily between Cara and Rocky, his faced crinkled as he tried to decide who he was more scared of. Deciding that he could probably at least hold his own against Rocky, he cautiously took the mucus covered child from Cara, holding him at arms length as he walked to the nursery.

I was in the process of pouring bleach over the now sizziling cable box in an attempt to burn the scent of regurgitated baby formula out of this house when Cara abruptly stopped me. I sucked in a deep breath and reassured myself that I had to stay strong, I did know that this was coming afterall.

"You owe me big time, Carmella" My sister spat, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she smiled evily at me. Suddenly I wished we had just let Rocky destroy the house.

"What do you want?" I gulped, please don't let it be something horrible like my blood, or indentured servitude.

"Oh, nothing big really..." Cara grinned- that same damn grin Rocky had! Huh, I guess it runs in the family, obviously on my mother's side, I always knew she was the devil!

"What's 'nothing big'?" I asked warily, I was almost positive that Cara's definition of 'nothing big' was much different than mine.

"Oh... just complete control over four hours of your life, is all." Cara answered ever so nonchalantly, as if all she was doing was commenting on the weather. Yeah Right! She does me one little favor and in return she wants my life, MY LIFE?!?! What kind of request is that? Ok, so maybe she saved me from having to smell like baby poo for the next couple of weeks, and yea now I wont have to apologize to Rafaela for accidentaly killing her baby, but I don't think any of that deserves me repaying her with my life?!?! I mean, she could definately kill me in four hours, if I even make it that far!

"No Fucking Way!" I screeched disbelievingly, causing Cara to flinch in surprise, as if she wasn't expecting that reaction. Seriously, did she know me at all?!?

"That is the only thing I want, so sorry lil sis, but you've got to do it. I helped you out of the kindness of my heart, on a Friday night no less; I have needs too you know, and its hard to find time to fill those needs when you and your husband both work and have a baby!" Cara stated matter-of-factly. Eww, did she really need to tell me that?

Whats Love Got to do With it?: An Arranged Marriage to a StrangerWhere stories live. Discover now